I find 90 too high for Arma. I used 80 on Arma 2 and I think I'll stick with 85 on Arma 3. I think the default is 70-75?. I know it isn't much different but again 90 just feels that little bit too much for me
Here's the values for 80 and 85 if anyone's interested
80 FOV
85 FOV
Yep, certain two people seem to always be at it and one was questioning why he doesn't get appreciation shown by dons haha.
Performance seems up and down, shoot down to 25 fps with max view distance and object distance on ultra.
If those are for 1080p res then cheers i might give them ago. Saves me trying to calculate it myself
Btw anyone know if theres a disable intro thing in the ini files or somit. Sick of the wait for them startup intros till i get to main menu.
I have everything on ultra now mate, post processing off, hdr standard view distance 4500.
Running an i5 at 4.4 with a 7950 at stock, 8gig ram...
Fps is a solid 40 - 50, get drops occasionally when there is a mass of stuff going on, but otherwise never had a major drop like others are complaining of..
I wish arma ii ran this well on my pc..
Beta 13.2.6 drivers for my card. One thing I did notice is that the memory used on my card is just over 2gig, first game to actually use that much, normally sits around 1 - 1.3 depending on what game..
Also, I have anything between 65% and 85% gpu usage, so it looks I should overlock again, maybe by another .2 to maximise my card usage just now..
If those are for 1080p res then cheers i might give them ago. Saves me trying to calculate it myself
Btw anyone know if theres a disable intro thing in the ini files or somit. Sick of the wait for them startup intros till i get to main menu.
Forgot bout that toejam....
Guys, ignore the troll.. Obviously hasn't studied DG enough yet...
Add this to your start up,line in the properties within steam.
-world=empty -nosplash -CPUCount=4
Or use arma ii launcher get that to set the parameters...
Add this to your start up,line in the properties within steam.
-world=empty -nosplash -CPUCount=4
Or use arma ii launcher get that to set the parameters...
marker neil is and always will be a lowbird.
toejam doesnt cheat hes just lucky now and then. as for me im a god marker add me on facebook
tempted to buy arma 3 just to shoot you and neil67
Do us all a favour, don't. Stick to DayZ and wait for the standalone...
Nps dude
And yeah. Go to your steam library, right click on Arma 3 Alpha, click properties, then click on Set Launch Options and put this code is "-nosplash -noPause -world=empty -noFilePatching"
I get 40-60 fps all on high but I turned of AA and PP. But the game is coded very well, even at low frames it feels very very smooth. It can only get better as well
You do realise what this is right? It's a military simulator, not a game. It's not necessarily meant to be fun, but you can have fun playing it if you're into that sort of thing. It's all what you make of it.
The fact remains, however, that it is still only alpha and has a lot of things that need to be ironed out - which BI are already working on!
lol its a game. Don't kid yourself that its anything else. Its more a simulator than BF/CoD but thats as far as it goes.
EDIT: just an additional bit. Going off these forums arma seems to have as many trolls/i'm better than you numpties than the BF EA forums! I am guessing admins of servers tend to be strict to keep them out the actual game?