Arma II Demo on Thurs 25th June

Runs fine on my rig which pleasantly surprised me. As for all that training though, hmmm I don't know if I can be bothered, though I appreciate it is necessary to get the most out of the game.
Hmmpff :( "the program carnt start because X3DAudio1_6.dll is missing from your computer.Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

Reinstalled it twice now still same.....bah windows 7 x64
run the directx updater i had that issue under 7 ran the updater and it installed the missing dx files
yep download latest direct x.

if you getting it from microsoft youll need the validater aswell if not already installed
Are there any instructions somewhere about the MP part of the demo? How do you choose what gear you have, etc before the battle or cant you? Some people seem to have tanks on hte other team but I cant see how you build them or something?! Its all a bit confusing! Team deathmatch is easy enough, but you seem to randomly spawn as a sniper, machinegunner, etc?!!
I didnt like it at all. very poor voice overs. graphics are grey but not too bad.

the game is very sluggish and doesn't feel polished at all. thorough disappointment.

So Im getting a bit of mouse lag in the demo.
There is no vysnc option in the game.
I cant remember what improves lag, when vsync off or on? I tried forcing it in the ATi CC drivers, but no dice.

Anybody can offer any advice?
Had dll error, linked fixed it - thanks.

Set everything to max (4870, Q6600, 4GB, Vista x64) ran fine throughout training.

Got to first aid part, movement controls stopped responding.

Might have another go later.
I get really bad textures with the demo and hate the controls. Didn't enjoy it at all for these reasons so it's gone again now. Don' think I'll bother buying it as I don't think I'd get enough fun out of it. Oh well, looked promising but failed to deliver :( I'm sure others will like it though...
Boo, just crashes for me during the loading splashes - just after the one with the beat-up BMP or whatever it is. "Arma2 has stopped working", I bet it's something to do with having 8 cores :(
I am really concerned about the game's current support for the gtx295. Although I can run the demo pretty well, I am still convinced only 1 gpu is being used. I have tried every fix/tweak out there. Still gonna get the steam version on tues though!

I read that in the full game trees etc are more visible in the distance. Can someone confirm this? In the demo, only the immediate area seems to get filled with vegetation.
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