Not heard anything yet
Fingers crossed though I'd really like a shot at this
Fingers crossed though I'd really like a shot at this
Not heard anything yet
Fingers crossed though I'd really like a shot at this
Soldier of Fortune $14.99 - No tanks Early Access + other stuff
Mercenary Commander $29.99 one tank + extra stuff
Lord of War $69.99 4 tanks - two of which are exclusive for 1year + shiny stuff
I've recently just started playing WoT again, is this worth the purchase?
Post some feedback please as I'm interested to know what its like but cant be bothered buying my way into another beta to find out myself! First world problems
....and no gold ammo and stupid power creep and removal of all soft cover to force brawling with no prospect of intelligent gameplay.Basically Think WoT with newer tanks
Looking forward to trying this out tonight. I'll be playing between 5pm and 8pm.