^ Armored Warfare ^

So Armoured Warfare Founders Packs are now available !!

Soldier of Fortune $14.99 - No tanks Early Access + other stuff

Mercenary Commander $29.99 one tank + extra stuff

Lord of War $69.99 4 tanks - two of which are exclusive for 1year + shiny stuff

oh go on then !! :D
I'm tempted pick up the soldier of fortune for a tenner.

I liked WoT but a more modern looking version with much better artillery and quicker paced gameplay sounds good to me.
Bought it and i believe the early access starts on 27th May or something like that.

I really like what they're doing so far especially the fact the oldest tanks in the game are from the end of WW2 and they go all the way up to modern day. I want to roll around in a Challenger 2.

Also with it being a modern setting they will be adding things like firing smoke bombs etc...

Also artillery in the latest patch is much better and no where near as annoying as WoT.
Post some feedback please as I'm interested to know what its like but cant be bothered buying my way into another beta to find out myself! First world problems :)
A few things I've noticed on vids.

The games are much quicker paced due to modern tanks being faster. Plus camping is very hard due to artillery being accurate. I think the earliest tanks are the 1960s.

Artillery looks fun, no more powerful than normal tanks but more accurate than artillery in wot, they also display a ping on the map when they fire which the enemy artillery can see.

If you have a good game but still lose you can come top on xp for both teams, I think winning team get 25% win bonus.

Artillery can also provide support by firing smoke etc... on the battlefield to hide friendly tanks.

The devs listen.
Well that was fun. I enjoyed the Early Access, probably more than I have World of Tanks for a long time. However it is early and "new" so might be through rose-tinted specs.

If you want a gameplay comparison, it is basically a faster version of WoT. So far only played tiers 1 and 2, but I'll give tier 3 a go tomorrow night.
Bascially the above it's a faster paced WoT.

Hoping the graphics aren't finished because with their going on about it running on CryEngine, it's not that impressive to look at. Better than WoT but not brilliant, though some maps are better than others.

I prefer the more modern tanks too and look forward to trying arty, shame its only 3 hour sessions each day.
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