^ Armored Warfare ^

Good progress tonight finished 60% on the T4 Sheridan done 100% on the T5 Panzer

That thing is seriously OP compared to anything else i have been in always armed with the double weapon system setup can just keep pounding 1600 damage from the turret then change to the rockets (4 second swap time) then deal 700 damage with that then change back (4 more seconds) and put out another 1600 damage rinse and repeat. Seem to be between 9,000-13,000 damage per game in it consistently.

Also have managed to get the T6 Stingray up to 24% :P I am mainly doing this line to get the XM8 up to 50% so i can get the Mk.3 Retrofits from it for when i get my chally 2 unlocked but want to push the retrofits first as i don't particularly enjoy these tanks other than the panzer so want to get them out of mind :D
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Thanks for the add and the info about logging in daily.

No problem. :) Another thing you might want to keep an eye on is on the right hand side, about half way down is a button that shows you the 'daily challenges' - for the first one you complete in a day, you get 150k credits. Not at all to be sniffed at when some tanks cost 480k credits, although by later tiers it's a bit less effective. The next challenges get you crates, which can be awesome, or mediocre. Pot luck.
Some challenges are awful, but the ones that simply require PVE wins in a certain class are just a simple grind, and they don't reset overnight so you can always take a few days to get 11 wins if you're short on time.

Good progress tonight finished 60% on the T4 Sheridan done 100% on the T5 Panzer

That thing is seriously OP compared to anything else i have been in always armed with the double weapon system setup can just keep pounding 1600 damage from the turret then change to the rockets (4 second swap time) then deal 700 damage with that then change back (4 more seconds) and put out another 1600 damage rinse and repeat. Seem to be between 9,000-13,000 damage per game in it consistently.

I LOVE the BegleitPanzer, it's my favourite T5 tank by far, and one of my favourites in the game... it's just so lethal when played right! :D

The Sheridan wasn't a tank I liked, I got rid as soon as I'd completed it... but the M60 Starship? Ohhh yes! Same gun as the Sheridan, same missiles, but has actual armour, instead of cheese for defence. Only down side is its' reload time, but frequently got 1-hit kills with HEAT rounds.
No problem. :) Another thing you might want to keep an eye on is on the right hand side, about half way down is a button that shows you the 'daily challenges' - for the first one you complete in a day, you get 150k credits. Not at all to be sniffed at when some tanks cost 480k credits, although by later tiers it's a bit less effective. The next challenges get you crates, which can be awesome, or mediocre. Pot luck.
Some challenges are awful, but the ones that simply require PVE wins in a certain class are just a simple grind, and they don't reset overnight so you can always take a few days to get 11 wins if you're short on time.

I LOVE the BegleitPanzer, it's my favourite T5 tank by far, and one of my favourites in the game... it's just so lethal when played right! :D

The Sheridan wasn't a tank I liked, I got rid as soon as I'd completed it... but the M60 Starship? Ohhh yes! Same gun as the Sheridan, same missiles, but has actual armour, instead of cheese for defence. Only down side is its' reload time, but frequently got 1-hit kills with HEAT rounds.

:D Yeah as i said i am only doing them for retrofits. But just in case you don't know it is ideal to not sell any tanks as each one you own gives you a x% boost to exp/cash per match :) so in honesty worth keeping all vehicles even the ones you don't like just filter them out :P got the stingray to 75% now going to finish it off tonight :D
:D Yeah as i said i am only doing them for retrofits. But just in case you don't know it is ideal to not sell any tanks as each one you own gives you a x% boost to exp/cash per match :)

I thought it was just XP you got? Anyway, I'm getting 16% more XP cos of my gaggle of tanks, but some of them I hate so hard I'll never play them again!

Anyhow - for anyone who's interested, there's a x4 bonus reputation event on for today, and which may well run tomorrow due to them messing up the start time of it!

Stack a booster, or 2, and premium, and you can get some silly rep numbers! :D

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It's part of the 'Steel Sundays' event throughout August, so there's one more Sunday left, the 28th.

Maybe I have too many tanks on the go at the moment... oh, and you'll love the Chally 2 when you get it! It gets 2 armour retrofit slots, as well as an ERA pack. I've enough rep to unlock the ERA pack, but why on earth would I fit it and spoil how nice it looks? :D
It's part of the 'Steel Sundays' event throughout August, so there's one more Sunday left, the 28th.

Maybe I have too many tanks on the go at the moment... oh, and you'll love the Chally 2 when you get it! It gets 2 armour retrofit slots, as well as an ERA pack. I've enough rep to unlock the ERA pack, but why on earth would I fit it and spoil how nice it looks? :D

:D Because ERA is just about the coolest advancement in tank armour technology that ive ever seen....

Can you imagine the early conversation between designers and tankers.

Designer: I have an idea of a new type of armour to further protect you.
Tank crew : Oh yeah cool what's the general idea of it?
Deisgner : I am going to encoat your tank in bombs.... lots of bombs.
Tank crew : .....
Designer : Trust me.. it will be great.
So i just got banned....

My friend said something.... "friendly abusive" to me.

So i shot him in the bottom and he said " i dare you, I ******* dare you to do it again.... so naturally he instantly took a armor piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot to the chocolate passageway... and i got banned for a hour :(... worth it.

Edit : I am now in the ariete going to attempt 20%/day hopefully get into the chally 2 at the weekend :p
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Been playing for a few months on and off, mostly have T3 tanks, have T4 DMP and M109.

Enjoying the arty, but slowly building up a list of PVE maps that are no good to play on as arty :)

I think I am either Nikumba or Kimbie in game, cant remember lol
So i shot him in the bottom and he said " i dare you, I ******* dare you to do it again.... so naturally he instantly took a armor piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot to the chocolate passageway... and i got banned for a hour :(... worth it.

lol, yeah I got an hour's ban a short while ago, I'd asked someone not to cap when the match was about 1/3 done, one of the port ones, and he was still sat in the cap with about 9 mins left on the timer. So with 20s left on the clock... I may have put a round into him and pop, he died. And I got banned. And we lost the match. So at least I didn't waste my x2 bonus! :p :D

Been playing for a few months on and off, mostly have T3 tanks, have T4 DMP and M109.

Enjoying the arty, but slowly building up a list of PVE maps that are no good to play on as arty :)
Yeah, some of the maps really don't suit arty at all. I've only just started having a play at arty, just for a bit of a change. I'm not a massive fan of it, but it's fun at tier 4 when you're not just in a boring counter-battery slugfest.

I think I am either Nikumba or Kimbie in game, cant remember lol

Well that's useful! :p I'll have a look for ya when I'm next in-game.
So my friend got banned for the same shooting of someone today... could not resist making this.

Before you say anything.,.... yes i know it's a **** video.
Hi all.
I'm one of the cheeky scrublords that Matt_FSR kicks about with on AW, and previously on War Thunder (RIP, sad times, good game gone bad etc etc).

We run most nights between level 4 and level 9, with occasional forays into lvl 3 if we're desperate for money. Any of you guys are welcome to platoon up with us anytime, and we also run a Discord channel to allow us to quickly decide who we're shooting in the chocolate passageway at any given time :D

I have also started an OCUK Battalion.
I'm not going to apply any rules, it's just for derping around together. The only proviso is the usual stuff around respecting the OCUK name, as we do represent a company when we wear this tag, and not being abusive to, or swearing at, other players. Other than that, we can all just have fun times.

If anyone would like to join, just leave a message on here giving your in-game name, maybe a bit of background on yourself if you wish (It makes in-game convo a bit easier), and the level you're currently at, and I or one of the Lieutenants will add you in.

On that note, my in-game name is Brainchild, I'm a bloke in my early 30's, been tank-gaming since War Thunder added them as I was a sky-jockey before that, and have been a big fan of tanks ever since, even going to Bovington Tank Museum on the odd occasion. I prefer Artillery, at which I'm well versed, but also enjoy dakka AFV's and the better armoured of the MBTs.
My current vehicle of choice is the Merkava premium MBT, but I'm also leveling my PZH2000 artillery piece.
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I have also started an OCUK Battalion.
I'm not going to apply any rules, it's just for derping around together. The only proviso is the usual stuff around respecting the OCUK name, as we do represent a company when we wear this tag, and not being abusive to, or swearing at, other players. Other than that, we can all just have fun times.

OK I'll join your gay club gaming group.... :p

x4 dailys bonus event has ended, I is sad. :( Still, need to farm some serious credits before I'll be able to afford anything new and shiny-shiny!
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