^ Armored Warfare ^

Started playing this about to weeks ago and liking it, not a big fan of these freemiuim type of me but this is good. I tried world off tanks but just couldn't get into it.
Unlocked the Challenger today, it is awesome. Like the Chieftain Mk.5 it is a tad sluggish but it can seriously bounce and soak up an awful lot of enemy fire :D And of course the bigger hitting gun is very nice too! :cool:

If you like the Chieftain, you'll love this! Well worth the grind! :D
I'm finding the grind through the Chally 1 a little tedious if I'm honest, particularly with the turret armour bug after armour upgrade. I'm also finding the gun seriously under powered for the tier, the alpha is poor compared to it's tier mates and DPS is unspectacular. Although to be fair it's probably historically accurate as the L30 on Chally 1& 2 is **** poor compared to the Rheinmetall L44/L55 on Leopard 2 and Abrams family in real life.

I really hope that as an upgrade to Chally 2 they will give us the experimental CLIP version with the above mentioned L55 (now abandoned due to costs) as an upgrade option.

As a bonus trolling in the Swingfire is more fun than I ever expected it to be :D, you are almost invisible in the right circumstances and can cause so much chat rage :D :D

Also for a relaxing game throwing 155mm shells down range in the M109 is actually real fun, especially if you get into a counter battery dual with the other side.
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Free Veteran T-64 if you log in before 22nd November, it's not a bad little credit earner either with good alpha and damage per game.

nice thanks for the heads up on this started playing this a few weekends ago but not had time to log back in yet.
It's actually a free T-62 with unique camo not a T-64 but it's still a great tank with very nice Alpha damage for it's Tier :D
It's actually a free T-62 with unique camo not a T-64 but it's still a great tank with very nice Alpha damage for it's Tier :D

Yep whoops typo :o, I'd just finished a (bad :() game in my T-64 and it was still in my head.

I do like free though :D (although saying that some of the dross tanks WoT used to give away free in specials I do not like ;))
0.11 update has been released, now has a new custom battle mode, Tier 9 tanks with a token system to unlock them and one heck of a useful buff for the Challenger 1, it's actually competitive and fun to play now.
Free Type 59 for Everyone!

Simply login to the game and you'll get a free tier III tank xmas gift ! :D

Seriously, a 21.4GB patch? I'll be lucky if that's downloaded before new years, let alone Christmas.

I've had a 380mb patch, have you not logged in for a while ? the game client is currently showing as 24gig.

Check you still have the full game installation files via the drop down menu next to the PLAY button and maybe verify the files. There are some posts on the official forum that say you just need to re-path the installer to where the game is installed.

Any idea if new users would get this tank?

Might have to give this a whirl...

It does say everyone who logs into the game between ''the 18th of December 2015 and the 3rd of January, 2016'' so yes I guess new players qualify.
Had a quick go of this and pretty nifty, easy to play seems like. Not sure if I'll stick with it but worth a look for sure, at least till squad gets tanks
Playing this quite a bit at the moment (read: way too much). Have to say I'm enjoying it a lot. Plenty of updates to the game happening recently and more in the pipeline. Recent changes to the economy have meant that progressing is much more balanced. More reputation in PvP and credits in PvE. A new map and line of MBTs was added recently as well.

If it continues to be updated with new content and fixes at this sort of pace going forward then I can see myself sticking with it for a long time.
Anyone else around here playing this?

Getting into it quite a bit of late, recently unlocked the M60A2 'Starship' and loving the massive damage it deals, but the slow reload sucks a bit.

I think my heart is still with rapid-fire light armour though, love the AMX-10, and having a great time with the Dragoon 90, no-one can land a shot on me if I drive quick enough! :D
I still log in once a day for the freebie premium/gold but I'm pretty burnt out by it after they did a few promotional things which were not really thought out very well IMHO, the game became more of a chore just to get the 'Free' stuff, specially the PvP Only thing they did which I'd wager put far more people OFF playing than anything else, I still haven't had the stomach to do PvP again since then...

The higher Tier stuff is also quite disappointing (Unbalanced and not much choice/flavour and silly, silly expensive upgrades/retrofits to boot) which doesn't really give any incentive to keep playing/grinding for anything, Tier 5/6 Seems to be the sweet spot (For PvP), after that it goes downhill quite quickly for me anyway. And they desperately need new PvP Maps that aren't small/corridor MBT-centric, that Quarry map they added is horrendous. :(
Anyone else around here playing this?

Getting into it quite a bit of late, recently unlocked the M60A2 'Starship' and loving the massive damage it deals, but the slow reload sucks a bit.

I think my heart is still with rapid-fire light armour though, love the AMX-10, and having a great time with the Dragoon 90, no-one can land a shot on me if I drive quick enough! :D

Yup, I'm still playing it. The events are keeping me grinding away, especially the happy hours which correspond to when I play the most anyways. They've allowed me to get past certain vehicles which I hated like the Tier 7 M1 Abrams etc without too much frustration.

There are some really fun vehicles in the lower tiers. It sounds like you'll love the Fox, BMP-2 and M2 Bradley then. The fox is imho the most fun you can have in the game when played right in PvP with the BMP-2 a close second.

If you are looking to improve your PvP gameplay (as I am) then I'd recommend Taugrim's You Tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/taugrim. He does vehicle specific guides which have really helped me with certain vehicles I was doing poorly in, mostly due to the fact I was playing them wrong. Well worth a look, especially if you've just unlocked one of the vehicles he has done a guide on.

I still log in once a day for the freebie premium/gold but I'm pretty burnt out by it after they did a few promotional things which were not really thought out very well IMHO, the game became more of a chore just to get the 'Free' stuff, specially the PvP Only thing they did which I'd wager put far more people OFF playing than anything else, I still haven't had the stomach to do PvP again since then...

The higher Tier stuff is also quite disappointing (Unbalanced and not much choice/flavour and silly, silly expensive upgrades/retrofits to boot) which doesn't really give any incentive to keep playing/grinding for anything, Tier 5/6 Seems to be the sweet spot (For PvP), after that it goes downhill quite quickly for me anyway. And they desperately need new PvP Maps that aren't small/corridor MBT-centric, that Quarry map they added is horrendous. :(

Yup some of the events were really poorly planned and implemented but the more recent ones have been a touch better, especially as the last event allowed PvE wins to count. The events (as with any game like this) seem to bring out the worst players in PvP so I'm now doing my daily doubles during the happy hours in PvE as I can get much more consistent results. I've also found joining a battalion has kept me interested.

They definitely need more maps for PvP, hopefully once 0.15 is out of the way and the tier 10s are out then the team will release a few more. There are quite a few maps that were removed during the Alpha so I expect some of those will come back as modified versions.

High tier PvP is a joke to the point where I don't bother anymore, you either take one of the best MBTs into a game solo, or a bunch of high tier AFVs in a platoon or it just isn't fun. Although you can't expect them to get balance right straight away, it took World of Tanks quite a while to get the meta to what it is today and even that isn't perfect. Mid-tier PvP is great though, I've had some really good games that rival those I had in WoT.

I sort of agree with you on the costs of upgrades and retrofits but I still found the high tier grinding to be a lot less painful than a game like World of Tanks. At lower tiers I never really bothered with retrofits, saved the money for new vehicles only really upgrading what I enjoyed playing or what was bringing in the credits (like the Cent.120). I also found the cash injections you get at high tiers along with the achievements helped loads. Tank Collector and Dealer Access paid for my second tier 9 outright. Also many of the vehicles I upgraded only what it really needed to start off with and saved the reputation so that once it hit 50% I could unlock all of the cash in one go.

It still has plenty of potential, so I'm hopeful that the consistent updates will solve the issues and keep me playing. We do have Tier 10s to look forward to on the 3rd (unless its delayed) as well.
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