Arr, This here be a boarding party

Care of the 'not always accurate' wiki

Of all the major distributed computing projects involved in protein research, Folding@home is the only one to not use the BOINC platform. Both Rosetta@home and Folding@home research protein misfolding diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's disease), but Folding@home does so much more exclusively. Instead of using structure- or design-based methods to predict amyloid behavior, for example, Folding@home uses molecular dynamics to model how proteins fold (or potentially misfold, and subsequently aggregate). In other words, Folding@home's strength is protein folding, while Rosetta@home's strength is protein design and prediction of structure and docking. The two projects also differ significantly in their computing power and host diversity. Averaging about 2 petaFLOPS (2000 teraFLOPS) with a host base that includes the Playstation 3 and graphics processing units, Folding@home has more than a 30-fold advantage in computing power over Rosetta@home, which averages 66 teraFLOPS with a host base consisting only of PC-based CPUs.

You're taking this waaaaaay too seriously, dude :p
In my view they're both covering the same scientific area. Who is to say that in the end one method is more or less likely to get the answers that count than the other? In addition, F@h has way more horsepower than Rosetta, so the move will benefit Rosetta a lot more than it will cost F@h. :)

I admit I wouldn't have made the move without this competition. If someone comes along and beats us around the head with a challenge like this I'm minded, if the option exists, to give them what for in kind. For the team. :D
Ok Mr.B - R@H will get more from my office P4's than F@H gets from a GPU client on 8h a day.

If I can get Bonic out through my office's firewall I'll give it a shot.

@Mattus - it's a race to get our Team pride (read e-pen) back :D
And then you'll stop and they'll come back and rape and pillage us again.

I don't approve of being raped again :(
If the other people that are switching some machines to Rosetta stick with it then I will stick with it. It seems like a complimentary project to F@H rather than a duplicate one to me. I've got a CPU and a GPU folding and now a couple of CPUs doing Rosetta.

Does anyone know where is best for Rosetta stats?
Oh come ON its the most exciting thing to happen round here for months! :p
Hear hear! It's about time we got some action around here. I can't remember the last time we achieved 100 posts in 48 hours in this forum. :)

PS - do we have any spies in their ranks yet? I note their forum is closed to guests.
verbal it seems the rosetta stats aren't updated really quickly, best wait a few days to see how it pans out. seems to be quite slow to update
If only I was home :(

I would dearly love to bring the full powah of the farm to bear on this one (including some of the old farm I recently retrieved from storage).

Alas, I'm elsewhere and won't be home until 3 weeks on Friday. If the battle is still raging then, I will lend my hefty shoulder for a time :)
Buh bye...

Did you hear the distant sound of sqwaking gulls anyone? :p
We don't expect you to actually HEAR us, seeing as we are AHEAD of you now. But don't worry, we will continue to send messages via bottle in our wake. It's that BIG wave lookin thingy that ROCKED your whole fleet the other night as we passed. In case you weren't sure what a WAKE was.
Me thinks these parrot lovers make far too much noise. It's time they were hoisted up their own mainbrace. made to walk the plank, keelhauled and flogged round the fleet for good measure.

It may take a couple of days for production to ramp up, but the beat of the oarmaster's drums is increasing and we'll have the wind gauge on this rabble soon enough.

Me thinks these parrot lovers make far too much noise. It's time they were hoisted up their own mainbrace. made to walk the plank, keelhauled and flogged round the fleet for good measure.

It may take a couple of days for production to ramp up, but the beat of the oarmaster's drums is increasing and we'll have the wind gauge on this rabble soon enough.
Oh hell yeah!! Now that's what I call good stuffs. Give us all ya gots. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!:D
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