US: Arrow - Season 3

I agree with most comments on here.

I think the writers have been hit and miss with the shows premise and characters, ill still watch it since its an excellent show but could have been done much better. I like how its gone from a dark gritty violent show from vigilante to hero since that is green arrow anyhow but the characters?

Laurel- they introduced sara as black canary, better actress and an hero character and then pawn laurel as her, worst mistake a show could ever do.

Diggles/Roy- sometimes are they just background extras on the show?

Felicity/thea- Nerd drool characters which get a pass for me since all shows need eye candy.

I really despise the flash backs and over use of them, it was only deathstroke who made it interesting and just when you felt it was finishing and we were ready to move on a flash back to hong kong wtf did these writers not watch how well wolverine in japan did. The flash backs clearly been written afterwards ie ollie said he never was good at firing guns, yet in season 3 hong kong flash back hes shooting and killing guys well.

After 10 years of smallville and before that Lois and Clark superman adventures, arrow is getting way too involved in romantic rubbish which we seen for 20 years on television, is it really valentines day everyday again felicity gets a pass since she is a dirty girl perhaps she should get it on with thea to evolve character intimacy.

Last rant: I don't enjoy arrows writers making it clearly a non super hero show they are about to introduce a meta human with super powers in 1-2 episodes time, I think the writers are scared if they do that then they loose arrow and that is why the flash is becoming more dynamic and connected to the dc world where as arrow has to remain distant, overall its a good show but clearly they wanted to do Batman series which they could not.
felicity gets a pass since she is a dirty girl perhaps she should get it on with thea to evolve character intimacy.

I had a whole post typed out in response (some agreeing, some not) to each part of yours, until i got to that part. Then i started laughing :D
Was hoping for more Slade action but it seems he's back to prison by then end :(

Also, how much would it suck to be that prison guard on a deserted island? Wouldn't want to be signing up to that job description :P
Was hoping for more Slade action but it seems he's back to prison by then end :(

Also, how much would it suck to be that prison guard on a deserted island? Wouldn't want to be signing up to that job description :P

Yeah, I was hoping for something a little more epic!

On the other hand, Thea walking down the stairs when Oliver gets back :eek: :D

I know the flashback are marmite, but I really like seeing this side of the series. It kind of fills in the blanks and seeing what he had to go though with Argus. I really hope he gives Argus what for later on!
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It's amazing, get slade back even for a few minutes in an episode and it suddenly is a much better one :D It really highlights the programs flaw, there is no bad guy in this series. I know Ras is the bad guy but he isn't really in the series, he is always the off screen threat. We need a bad guy like Slade that atagonises Oliver, either on screen or even off screen with things like buying Q Consolidated. The whole Ep1: The league is hunting us, Ep2-Ep9: League does absolutely nothing, Ep10: Oliver and Ras fight, Ep11+ League does nothing is boring*.

* Actual episode numbers may be incorrect as my memory isn't that good :p

The flash backs clearly been written afterwards ie ollie said he never was good at firing guns, yet in season 3 hong kong flash back hes shooting and killing guys well.

Did he actually say 'never'? I have a vague memory of an early episode saying he is better with a bow or prefers a bow or something like that but not that he wasn't good with a gun. There are probably quite a few continuity errors with the flashbacks though, I doubt they go back and review the scripts of the last 60 Ep's when writing them.
I am not sure tbh I could be wrong think it was something along those lines that he preferred the bow to gun after he misses shooting some bad guy, it was more of that point about the continuity errors or general annoyance how suddenly he was spying on his sister, best friend anyhow. Perhaps since I did a marathon of arrow/flash over the past 2 weeks I got lost between the flash backs and reality lol
I think as someone mentioned above with Slade being a good character I believe its since they found the right actor who resembles the dc character kinda bit like how tony stark was always robert downey Jr.

Slade wilson aka Deathstroke


And then Amanda waller:


Brick (danny) or Vinnie jones

Slight pattern emerging, don't get me started on the new fantastic four cast lol

While I don't like it am open minded if they do a good job they could still own and redefine the character but as my above rant could save much grief !

Btw deathstroke is set to appear in more future arrow episodes, he is after all one of the greatest assassins alive :)
They should have got C. C. H. Pounder to play Amanda Waller, at least the voice would have been right for me.
The more I watch this, the more I'm starting to think that Thea is laying it on thick. She knew the kind of person Malcolm is before she ever decided to jet off with him for assassin training.

I've got a sneaking suspicion that she knowingly killed Sara; possibly as some kind of loyalty test to Malcolm. And that they are now both using Oliver's love of family to play him into helping them get rid of Ras...

Guess we'll find out soon enough!
Watched the first couple of the second series, I'm ready to can it. The wife likes it and want's to continue, I'm just tired of Laurel, her screen time has me reaching for the ipad. He also never wins a fight, even against some old murderer whose just abducted girls to make them into porcelain dolls. He get's beat up more often that audley harrison.
They should have got C. C. H. Pounder to play Amanda Waller, at least the voice would have been right for me.

Hit the nail right on the head, voice and body size and right skin color :p

Perhaps they thought a younger, slimmer Amanda waller who sounded and looked nothing like the comics/dc animations would fit right in :o

How can people not like poor Roy....


Oh yeah.

If it meant saving thea who would not endure a tiny dart to the neck, besides now that canaries out of the picture nyssa al ghul can focus her attentions on felicity or thea.

Nyssa al Ghul vs Black Canary

Everyone won
Maybe they can't have talia she has the warner movie rights bit like why supes/batman probably won't ever turn up on arrow or flash, reminds me anyone catch on flashes professer zooms future newspaper it mentioned wayne/mcqueen merger;)
Halfway through season 2, just been introduced to the pre-flash. Enjoying this season much better than the first so far. Just about everyone that dies coming back from the dead is a bit tiresome. Shado died in the one I watched last night and I guess like everyone else she will be back sometime soon.
I was thinking about the similarities :D

At least Felicity did a different kind of moaning in this episode albeit not shown.
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