US: Arrow (Season 4)

I used to actually enjoy Arrow when it was reasonably gritty and had an actual battle of emotions going on inside Oliver. Now it's all gone teenage angst cheese fest it's just total tripe. I wish someone would bin off Felicity and her mother
Not watched the finale yet, maybe tonight depending on how bored I get.

I agree with most on here, it's gaaabage! Used to be good, then ok, then poor, now it's gaabage!

I doubt I'll follow it through season 5 unless I hear multiple reports of it greatly improving. I'm not holding out too much hope for that though.
Why did Dahrk's magic stop working?:confused: He still managed to remotely kill the hacker guy who failed him?

If he was powered by the 10,000+ deaths from the nuke why couldn't he just instantly crush Oliver's skull with telekinetic powers.

The final fights with both Damian D and Ra's Al Ghul were terrible compared to that Deathstroke fight.:(
Why did Dahrk's magic stop working?:confused: He still managed to remotely kill the hacker guy who failed him?

If he was powered by the 10,000+ deaths from the nuke why couldn't he just instantly crush Oliver's skull with telekinetic powers.

The final fights with both Damian D and Ra's Al Ghul were terrible compared to that Deathstroke fight.:(

Because Oliver's magic powers of positive thinking, or whatever gubbins it was, got multiplied by all the people that came to fight with him. So ~30 city residents apparently nullified Dhark's tens of thousands of deaths. I'm pretty sure the writers are letting their 3 year old kids loose on their laptops at this point.
Because Oliver's magic powers of positive thinking, or whatever gubbins it was, got multiplied by all the people that came to fight with him. So ~30 city residents apparently nullified Dhark's tens of thousands of deaths. I'm pretty sure the writers are letting their 3 year old kids loose on their laptops at this point.

I'd say that is pretty damn insulting to 3 year olds, they would have done better.

I think DDs fatal error was being a cheapskate and not buying enough ammo for his ghost army. I can think of no other reason why they would charge in and use their assault rifles as clubs, rather than just shooting everyone in the street.
This season and season 3 were utter dirge. I'd say S3 was worse, if only because it totally wasted the League of Assassins storyline, which had massive potential. At least nobody really cared about the DD story - it was clearly a bad fit for Arrow. Magic? GTFO.

Legends of Tomorrow is still worse though...
Well that was a terrible season finale, it really has lost its steam and the writing and plot holes now are so terrible that it is just laughable. Actually preferring legends of tomorrow at the moment.
Onomatopoeia could work well. Best saved for a season where they're looking to lose another cast member permanently though.

At the same time, now that it's just Oliver and Felicity, it could be quite tense seeing Oliver hunted. Particularly if Onomatopoeia discovers his identity later in the season. He needs some background though - a reason why he's hunting costumed heroes, or it'll just be a other bad guy being bad for the sake of it. Maybe the flashbacks could focus on the villain for a change?

One of the problems Arrow has now is they burnt through too many of the good villains early on when it was all 'bad guy of the week'. Between that and the DC movies, they're now somewhat restricted for villains, particularly if they want to keep things believable in future by cutting out stupidly powerful enemies who should rip through Oliver like tissue paper (e.g. DD).
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Started working through season 4 and just finished episode 18 and WTF!! They wrote Dark back in!! While it provided great entertainment, it would have been nice to see the end of him! Arrow should have also killed Merlin, not just maimed!
I just got around to finishing the season finale. As lack lustre as the rest of this and the previous season.

I honestly don't know why anyone would still live in that city.

I like to think the writers are just having a "lol" to see how stupid they can do it before the inevitable cancellation.

Are we really expected to believe that The Flash team wouldn't help out the end of the world nuclear disaster? Let alone the CIA, NSA, FBI, Navy Intelligence, Army Intelligence.... not a single one have anything to say about it?
they won't be able to use the Stardust character but if there's anything similar i think Cody will knock this out the park. hopefully they'll be able to use his physical talents for some good fights too.
Synopsis for Season 5 has been released:

"Newly appointed Mayor Oliver Queen finds himself challenged as he fights on two fronts for the future of Star City. With Diggle back in the military and Thea adamant about hanging up her hood as Speedy, Team Green Arrow is down to just Oliver and Felicity – but they’re no longer the only vigilantes in town. Green Arrow’s public defeat of Damien Darhk at the end of Season Four has inspired a new crop of masked heroes to step up and defend the city, though their painful inexperience makes them obstacles, rather than allies, in the field. The arrival of a deadly new adversary will force Oliver to confront questions about his own legacy, both as mayor and as the Green Arrow."
I think watching Arrow, flash, LoT, supergirl all in one go lessens the cringe factor by 50%, probably not enough time to digest half of it too, but I liked Olly becoming the Green arrow and do look forward to the next season and these new crop of heroes.
Good episode that! Certainly better than the last few seasons anyway :p Hopefully it continues to be gritty/violent and Oliver sticks to killing (doubt it though :()
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