ASRock 775Dual-VSTA for Conroe (Core2) with both AGP/PCI-E and DDR1/DDR2 support

I've also read that the 4300 is more suited to this board than the 6300 - is this correct?
I think the difference is only about a tenner - worth the extra on the core4 board and the rest of the setup in my sig?
yup, the e4300 has much higher multiplier and lower default bus speed. 2.7 is pretty much the limit with the e4300.
can anyone confirm for a mate whether his AGP X1950 will work on this board. Read somewhere that the board doesn't support 3.3V cards but we can't seem to work out whether the 1950 is or not.
Have a look here

p.s just realised your query relates to agp. There's a big thread over at anandtech you could try looking up.
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Hrm.. I really doubt that it's 3.3V. I think that's only with older cards. 1950Pro should work fine.
magic, thanks. I take it he won't be able to use an 8800 later? Seems to be some confusion over whether the PCI-E slot is x4 or x16......???
Well if you go to page 6 of this thread and follow my link to another forums and check that post I think someone says that they bought a GTS to run on this board and that it worked okay. To be honest there's no reason why it wouldn't I have definitely heard of 8800s being run on 4X PCI-E slots before. Obviously it'll bottleneck the card but then again if you can afford an 8800 why the hell are you on a budget motherboard?
Darg said:
Well if you go to page 6 of this thread and follow my link to another forums and check that post I think someone says that they bought a GTS to run on this board and that it worked okay. To be honest there's no reason why it wouldn't I have definitely heard of 8800s being run on 4X PCI-E slots before. Obviously it'll bottleneck the card but then again if you can afford an 8800 why the hell are you on a budget motherboard?
not everyone can afford to replace their mobo and other parts every few months. If they could, why the hell would anyone even consider this board? :rolleyes:
What I mean is that if you can afford an 8800 then you're much better off getting a decent motherboard, ram and something like a 7900GS or X1950 for the same price. It would turn out to be a more powerful system in the long run.
Got a reply from Asrock about 4core dual vista DDR2 voltages so I thought I would share. Thanks for the Ram advice too.

Dear Sir,

(DDRII : 2.03v, 1.93v, 1.83v)= high, normal, low

Thanks for the email.

Yours truly,

They have the normal voltage set to 1.93V in order to allow all RAM to work first time unlike the DS3 which defaults to 1.8V and so can't run a lot of various RAM types that need more then that to boot.

Going to be upgrading from this board next weekend. If anyone wants my board second hand check my post in the members market or email me via trust.
I just bought an EVGA 8800gts to replace my 9800 pro AGP.
Problem is every time I install the drivers for Nvidia in windows, screen goes blank, and PC crashes.
I have dual boot winxp and vista, and it does the same on both.
On vista however the image effs up first then it crashes.

Also the bios screen and all the pre-windows screens load up very slowly compared to the 9800

Anyone have any idea what the problem could be? I'm guessing its this motherboard

I'm testing the gpu on my mates DS3p tomorrow (which I should be getting soon too), but are there any settings i should check?
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Just gone through the FSB increases 10 at a time and dropped the memory frequency to 166, got to 230FSB (2070MHz core speed) and the memory was running at around 191MHz (had gone up approx 10MHz each 10 of the FSB...
Jumped to 240FSB and for some reason the memory frequency dropped to 150MHz?!?!?

Anyone know why this has automatically dropped without me lowering the frequency to 133???

As you can tell, I'm VERY new at this!!

Thanks in advance.......

Just in case you guys would liek to know.
I had bought an 8800 GTS and tried it on the asrock 4core, and it jkept crashing in windows when i loaded the drivers.

Today I got my new DS3P motherboard. and with the same windows install it works perfectly.

So in my experience the 8800GTS doesn't work with the 4core.
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