ASRock 775Dual-VSTA for Conroe (Core2) with both AGP/PCI-E and DDR1/DDR2 support

Darg said:

Thanks for the reply, Glad you have found the source of your problem :), i will give that a try at some point. I'm a bit worried about temps though with the stock heatsink, Although now i've got it down to a stable 45c/47c idle & 53/54c load. Had to steal my friends stock heatsink & that made a huge difference compared to mine which was like 56/57c idle - 70+ load.

I have this weird problem sometimes where the motherboard will only pick up 768ram & it will put it in single channel mode. Although i have dual channel 1gb ram. It seems to clear up after a few restarts & reads 1gb again. This is on 2.50 Bios, Does anyone have any issues like this?
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new 1.5 bios is out for the 4core

It says "Modify registry of chipset."

What does that mean?

I can't really be bothered to update, so unless you guys think this is really worthwhile I'll wait a bit.
modez said:
So is Asrock MOBO worth buying? :confused:

I like mine, got me on conroe cheaply. Just sold my DDR ram and got DDR2 for only £15 more.

The next G Card I want will be PCI-E and my 6800GT has served me well.

Once I have have that I might change the MB to a better overclocking one and its cheap. I dont think I will sell it when I move on as it will become my new spare PC. So I will have a good machine for testing all types of ram / G Cards.
Darg said:
Don't use those settings! You'll just have to reset your CMOS. Those settings were reached by someone who had done both the vNb and vAGP volt mods. Also he is running DDR 400 RAM which helps a lot when overclocking this board. DDR2 RAM just can't get that high a FSB.

You will have to find your own optimum settings for overclocking. Using someone elses exact settings is just asking for trouble. Unless you've done the exact same volt mods and have the exact same hardware then it just won't work. You should be happy if you can get up to 300FSB on this board.

EDIT: Just looked at your previous post. DDRII 6400 RAM and PCI-E graphics card means you can't go over your current FSB, atleast not significantly. If you do look for other peoples settings then make sure that they are also using DDRII 6400 RAM and PCI-E graphics. If you find a way to do it then please post it here but I have yet to see it done.

It seems you are right Darg ;) those volt mods look intensive though :eek:
Anybody know wth "Echo TPR" is? I noticed it's a new option at the very bottom of the chipset menu in the new BIOS.
Well I just bought the 2GB Geil version and it works well with it. All you really need to ensure is that the RAM you get will run at 1.9V default. Almost all do though.

The geil mightn't have been the best 2GB kit out but it was massively reduced to £99 and I'd had my eye on it for a long time. If you can find a Micron chip RAM at the same price then that might be better. If not then I'd go with the Geil. Can't really go wrong with it. I'm curious as to just how far I can push it though.
The Geil RAM seems to have gone up in price again slightly.

Here is a link to the OCZ 2GB set. This seems to be doing nicely at the moment but it needs atleast 1.9V to boot. That should be okay as 1.9V is the DUAL-VSTA default.

Corsair is pretty good value too on this week only. Supposed to be very good RAM too. Supposed to run at 1.8V lowest too.

Here's a link to the Geil RAM I have:

It's gone up to £115 instead of the £99 I bought it at two weeks ago though.
i just got 2 gig of kingston ddr667 value ram.

what timings should i set the bios up with?

also, is the 2.60 bios update better than the 2.10 im on?
Mine won't hibernate - causes some weird Windows API error.

Is it me or does the onboard sound on here suck total ass? I had a nforce2 before this so assumed the game would have moved on to match that but the 7.1 on here sounds dire and is much quieter than either with the soundstorm or my SB Live.
This is odd as i seem to have the complete opposite problem.

When i shut down Win Xp64 it does not power down all the happens is the screen goes black and the hdds go into hibernation and as for sound mine sounds better than my old MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR

on the 4core I'm at 300fsb.

seems stable. haven't done the full barage of tests yet though.

DDR memory is at 187.5.

temp under load is reaching 55c. I don't have the best cooling so I should sort that out before going too high.
Got my e4300 and 4CoreDual-VSTA last week, after few regular and recommended bios tweaks I'm running @ 2.6ghz with the 8:5 (DDR333 setting) divider 290fsb/181mhz 2.5 4 4 7 1T with some cheap DDR400. The With the fsb @ 300mhz it craps out with errors in XP. Not tried anything between 290 and 300 as I'm satisfied with the performance and so far is appears totally stable. 3DMark03 went up from 11500 on the on the Barton, NF2,GF6800Nu combo to 13800. Sythentic tests paint a bleak picture but in game results are quite phenomenal.
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I've now set mine up, and have to say I'm very happy with it.
The system seems a lot more responsive compared to my old A64 - and this is without a clean windows install - luckily I was able to do a repair install over the top and clean things up from there.
Not had time to OC it too much yet, my E4300 is currently sat at only 2.2 but this doesn't stress it at all.

I also have some relatively cheap DDR 400. So, out of interest, if I end up running the RAM on a divider that ends up clocking it a little below 200 e.g. around 180 like in your case, is that likely to give me a little headroom to tighten up the timings a bit? Or am I best leaving them on auto...
Help Please!!

Hi guys,

having read all this thread i decided to buy the 4core version with E6400 chip to go with my agp 6800 graphics card. All the new bits just turned up, have nailed them together in new case with new sata drive,new dvd drive, new 2Gb ram and......nothing!

Case lights up, fans are spinning, but no POST!

Please tell me i've missed something?

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