Yesterday, Nils Melzer a UN Special Rapporteur on torture made a report about Assange, on the UN day about Torture
We lost the point of why he is hunted by the establishment, and that WE should be the ones demanding OUR politicians to he handed over to ICC for Crimes against Humanity.
Yet the report shows how MSM propaganda makes everyone believe he is even a rapist. With no further proof than the word of 2 women who they accuse him for not using condom, and the other for ripping apart the condom,
during consensual sex that occurred long time ago before the police goes to them. (After USA demanded to be handed over). Even the "ripped" condom provided as proof, doesn't contain the DNA of anyone involved, and both the women have said, they got railroaded by the Swedish police.
I know many call me a heretic saying thus, but you exhibit the same naivety the German populace did in 1930s when Nazis were in power, believing that Poland attacked the checkpoint and killed German solders.
You exhibit the same naivety less than 20 years ago, believing Blair that Saddam had nuclear weapons. And the list is long, for giving free reign to the same people making you to live in fear and easier to control, while at the same time support the hunting of people who expose YOUR politicians crimes. But at the end the politicians are a reflections of the society and it's voters.