Assange to go!

Dont even need to have such a long winded argument, he is not a journalist. Someone will have to prove he is one for that to be true, it's a bit like the argument with torrent sites, they're just providing a space for other people to publish their links.

Would all these leaks have been sent to mainstream papers and would they have published them. It took wiki leaks for that to happen.
Pretty hard to charge someone for rape when you can't even arrest them because they hide in an embassy.

Hide in an embassy? The UN has ruled twice in his favour that his asylum seeking was justified and the UN Rapporteur on Torture has backed him too. Why are you in favour of persecuting a journalist?
Dont even need to have such a long winded argument, he is not a journalist. Someone will have to prove he is one for that to be true, it's a bit like the argument with torrent sites, they're just providing a space for other people to publish their links.

What is the point of your argument exactly? By disputing that Assange is a journalist do you wish to see him persecuted? Is that it? Otherwise why do you care? Why are you so interested in the definition of 'journalist'?
Yes, we are going in circles now

Police find it pretty hard to charge somebody they haven't even had the chance to question.

Read the UN report as you clearly haven't.

Assange made himself available for questioning from the outset.

They could have questioned him in the embassy, but they put it off for years. They could have prosecuted him in absentia, but never did. Why not?

Our CPS instructed the Swedes to put it on the back burner.

Are you that blind and stupid?
Rape victims? What 'rape victims'? If there had been victims charges would have been made, but there haven't.

Please explain to me why these allegations haven't progressed passed the preliminary stage. Baaaaaaaa. Sheep.

You just swallow any old drivel the government preaches.

I swallow any old drivel? You've just shown you have no clue about how the legal system in Switzerland actually works, and instead repeated idiotic tin foil had nonsense that has no bearing on reality.

Charges weren't laid because he fled from justice, and they have to be done after the interview that he refused to attend that lead to the eaw.

I'm not the sheep here, the idiot who is repeating the nonsense put out by assange supporters without doing any research is clearly the sheep.

Read the UN report as you clearly haven't.

Assange made himself available for questioning from the outset.

They could have questioned him in the embassy, but they put it off for years. They could have prosecuted him in absentia, but never did. Why not?

Our CPS instructed the Swedes to put it on the back burner.

Are you that blind and stupid?

Why do you lie over and over? Are you that easily led or do you actually believe this nonsense?
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I'll take the view of the legal experts of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention who ruled twice in Assange's favour and the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture over yours.
You say ‘ruled’ but UN working groups aren’t tribunals. They publish opinions that carry no legal weight and the sole member of that working group who was an experienced criminal practitioner thought that particular opinion was ridiculous.
And your counter-argument is what exactly?

It's not an 'insinuation' by the way, it's a fact. The UN has ruled in Assange's favour TWICE declalring his mistreatment as arbitrary detention.

You clearly dislike that opinion. Take it up with the UN.
We were not detaining him.

I don't need to take it up with the UN, their opinion has been summarily dismissed as not being based on fact.
The UN can't RULE anything. They can politely ask members to do X, but they don't have to comply and most of the time the other members don't really care or want to get involved.
Interesting to note: Assange's current defence is that 'WikiLeaks is nothing but a publisher.' This is very different to a journalist practising journalism, as his supporters have claimed him to be.
He's literally using it as a defense, wonder how long until someone comes in and denies it.

Interesting to note: Assange's current defence is that 'WikiLeaks is nothing but a publisher.' This is very different to a journalist practising journalism, as his supporters have claimed him to be.

That is what piratebay used to use as their defence as it was a grey area, but the laws were updated ages ago. If you "publish" copyrighted/stolen content it's still illegal.
That is what piratebay used to use as their defence as it was a grey area, but the laws were updated ages ago. If you "publish" copyrighted/stolen content it's still illegal.

The problem there is that this has nothing to do with copyright, this is purely criminal and not civil in any definition in the US or here.
The problem there is that this has nothing to do with copyright, this purely criminal and not civil in any definition in the US or here.

The material is copyrighted to the organisations he stole it from (MOD, DoD, etc) and is a criminal offence. But probably not the most serious one here so they won't pursue that.
And I'll happily declare them wrong and misguided in their judgement, ignoring the actions of Assange and trampling over the rights of the rape victims for justice.

Refusing to leave a building you chose to enter voluntarily because you lost a series of court cases isn't arbitrary detention, its petulent immaturity.

Given the number of innocent people convicted I wouldn't call it immaturity if he is innocent.
So... what happened to that 'dead man's switch' Assange supporters told us was ready to go at a moment's notice?

Yesterday, Nils Melzer a UN Special Rapporteur on torture made a report about Assange, on the UN day about Torture

We lost the point of why he is hunted by the establishment, and that WE should be the ones demanding OUR politicians to he handed over to ICC for Crimes against Humanity.

Yet the report shows how MSM propaganda makes everyone believe he is even a rapist. With no further proof than the word of 2 women who they accuse him for not using condom, and the other for ripping apart the condom, during consensual sex that occurred long time ago before the police goes to them. (After USA demanded to be handed over). Even the "ripped" condom provided as proof, doesn't contain the DNA of anyone involved, and both the women have said, they got railroaded by the Swedish police.

I know many call me a heretic saying thus, but you exhibit the same naivety the German populace did in 1930s when Nazis were in power, believing that Poland attacked the checkpoint and killed German solders.
You exhibit the same naivety less than 20 years ago, believing Blair that Saddam had nuclear weapons. And the list is long, for giving free reign to the same people making you to live in fear and easier to control, while at the same time support the hunting of people who expose YOUR politicians crimes. But at the end the politicians are a reflections of the society and it's voters.
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