Assassin’s Creed Origins

24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Sadly little is known about it yet but it is coming.....

Little is known about Ubisoft’s next Assassin’s Creed game except that we probably will see it this year. Everyone wants to talk about it, except Ubisoft. Naturally. We do expect to see a first glimpse of the game and get some more information at E3 this year, but up until then, it’s everyone’s best guess what we’ll see.

The above image leaked last year and it was said to be an early version in-game screenshot of the next Assassin’s Creed game, named Empire. From the background, and “leaked” information, the next AC game is believed to be centred about Egypt.

While it is more than likely that we’ll see the next AC game this year, one Swiss retailer might have jumped the gun a little as they listed the game online. *** lists the game for a release in Q4 this year and that would match the usual November/early-December release of the large games. Just ahead of the holiday sales.

Hopefully on a decent engine and not the ancient 'Anvil Next' engine that has done all the AC games and Prince of Persia.
Anvil Next looks amazing in AC Unity and GR Wildlands. Unity might still be the best looking game ever made.

But what matters is game design. They need to provide unique gameplay content and good story, otherwise it will be yet another cookie cutter AC game.
The problem with the engine is it has so many add ons, it runs like a dog with no legs. Sure it does look fantastic but start putting settings to max and ouch.
I will play it for the setting alone, just like the rest, even if it feels samey. Much can be said about Ubisoft, but their world design is top-notch IMO.

And yes, Japan would be amazing.
Bit of useless trivia, but I had a feeling they were going to call the next game Empire, since I first played The Division over a year ago and noticed that one of the buildings said; Empire Autumn, followed by a symbol very similar to that in AC.
They need to provide unique gameplay content and good story, otherwise it will be yet another cookie cutter AC game.
No, they need to provide good gameplay.
Ever since Ezio started, they've been trying to add new and unique things, for the sole reasoning that a new game must have new features... It doesn't. It just needs decent, well-implemented features. The story, if good enough, can carry the rest. It doesn't need street battle tactical management mini-games and all that other guff...

Sigh give us the one set in Japan already.
Please no... No more trawling through the most popular and over-done historical eras.
If you really want AC: Vikings, AC: Tudors, AC: WW2, AC: Ninjas and all that, fine, but it would be a real waste of all the other, lesser known (or at least those without a TV corset drama) but equally fascinating periods.... the use of which really would be unique!
Ooh I've got one,
Your great great great* granpappy never knew it at the time but he played a part in what is now one of the most shrouded in mystery era's in our history, Your mission is to become him and solve a mystery that's been thousands of years in the making, Were outside forces shaping Human development and if so why? What connects Machu Picchu to sites around the world like Stonehenge, Chicken Izta and Angkor to name but a few? Where did the Inca's go? Did they die out, get wiped out or did they simply move on and if so where too? Finally learn the truth in

Assassin's Creed: The Inca Chronicles


* There should be a few more greats but you get the idea.
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No, they need to provide good gameplay.
Ever since Ezio started, they've been trying to add new and unique things, for the sole reasoning that a new game must have new features... It doesn't. It just needs decent, well-implemented features. The story, if good enough, can carry the rest. It doesn't need street battle tactical management mini-games and all that other guff...

Please no... No more trawling through the most popular and over-done historical eras.
If you really want AC: Vikings, AC: Tudors, AC: WW2, AC: Ninjas and all that, fine, but it would be a real waste of all the other, lesser known (or at least those without a TV corset drama) but equally fascinating periods.... the use of which really would be unique!

Please read better. I wrote "unique gameplay content", meaning stuff to do (missions, sidemissions) that aren't just repeated cookie cutter nonsense over and over again.
egypt could be interesting, as long as they provide a bit more mystery and intrigue, missed that about ac2 and whilst the historical element of 3 and the roaring cannons of 4 kept me going unity never really re-kindled that element to the point i didn't even bother with rogue.

i agree with ttaskmaster, of all the gadgets gizmos and extra elements added to ac so far only the rope dart in ac3 provided any real amusement, bring back the long scenic parkour sections and stick to simple weapon sets but with more fluid animations.
Please read better. I wrote "unique gameplay content", meaning stuff to do (missions, sidemissions) that aren't just repeated cookie cutter nonsense over and over again.
Please read better yourself - I just said, they already tried that and ended up with a load of guff. Things can be as repetitive as you like, so long as they are good fun. Generations of platformer games have proven this. Making something unique and different to games before does not automatically mean it's going to be any good... especially in Ubi's world, it seems.
I thought Assassin's Creed Syndicate was an excellent game that got the series back on track and the best entry yet, so I will definitely be looking forward to the next game. Tbh, I don,t think they did enough with the England setting, so I hope they revisit it one day.

Who would complain if they ditched the modern day stuff entirely?...Has to be one of the most stubborn decisions of this kind ever to stick with that nonsense through all of the games. Who the hell cares about it?!
i've never played an AC.

was there one that the gameplay nailed it the best?

depends, ac2 was great, ac3 got lots of hate but tbh it's pretty good imo, ac4 if you like pirates (although the assasin elements are kinda lacking).

i wouldn't mind them ditching the modern stuff, since they killed off desmond it's not really had any plot relevance.
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