Assassin’s Creed Origins

I just finished AC I for the first time tonight. I was really impressed how well the graphics have held up. Instantly started AC II and couldn't believe the regression.

Anyway, I've got 8 more AC's to go, they need to hold off on this one for a bit :D
I just finished AC I for the first time tonight. I was really impressed how well the graphics have held up. Instantly started AC II and couldn't believe the regression.

Anyway, I've got 8 more AC's to go, they need to hold off on this one for a bit :D
AC2 was amazing as it increased the scope- perhaps that's why the graphics dropped a bit (though I don't recall personally). I gave up at the end of all the Italian ones, I started AC III but got thoroughly bored of the first few hours of the same old grind. Wonder if after so many games they'll come up with a new idea.
Has there been any mention of whether or not this iteration is going to feature any "real world" elements? (Like Black Flag, for example) I feel as though I need closure in regard to what's going on outside of the sim, before undertaking another adventure through history.
Anvil Next looks amazing in AC Unity and GR Wildlands. Unity might still be the best looking game ever made.

But what matters is game design. They need to provide unique gameplay content and good story, otherwise it will be yet another cookie cutter AC game.

Agreed. The engine is absolutely sensational - unity, wild lands and syndicate blew my mind. Gameplay wise there is a lot needed. I hope AC Origins delivers.
depends, ac2 was great, ac3 got lots of hate but tbh it's pretty good imo, ac4 if you like pirates (although the assasin elements are kinda lacking).

i wouldn't mind them ditching the modern stuff, since they killed off desmond it's not really had any plot relevance.

AC2 had the best storyline and characters. I did love AC3 though, the story and environment were great. The modern stuff in the recent titles has been an an utter bore. They need to ditch it entirely.
Nope, there's nothing new here other than a re-skin with the same animations, same combat as all the previous versions.

More of the same might appeal to fans of the series but it just seems tiresome and bland regardless of the new setting (which in places looks great).
Nope, there's nothing new here other than a re-skin with the same animations, same combat as all the previous versions.

More of the same might appeal to fans of the series but it just seems tiresome and bland regardless of the new setting (which in places looks great).

I don't think it is more of the same. It's a different combat system. Not the same animations at all. It's hit box based and more free form combat rather than press a button and watch an animation happen.

Also I'm hearing a lot of good things about how they are taking lots of cues from the Witcher 3.
I swear they lengthened the story on purpose, it seemed to flow perfectly well up until 3, when they decided to just throw the story into the toilet. I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually a part of the development plan to see how long they can draw out what should have ended with the third game, before revenue starts falling too much where they'll conveniently have an ending available.
Looks quite promising but worried that it features the same problem that 3 had which killed my love for the series: where's the free running? In AC1 and 2 the cities were so dense you had awesome rooftop chases, lots of verticality. This was what made AC great for me. When I got AC3 and I spent most of my time walking between missions or working out which bit of rock or tree texture was climbable and which wasn't, I really lost interest.
Only another week till release! Perhaps rename the title to Origins instead of Empire?

I'm looking forward to this after thoroughly enjoying Syndicate.
I'll probably end up buying this on release and then hating myself for doing so thereafter. As much as I love exploring the environments in these games, since AC 3 the story has devolved into a convoluted mess. I've not read much about Origins, but I do hope they make some attempt to sort out some of the plotlines they have seemingly dropped in the last few games.
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