Assassin's Creed Valhalla

A parting shot as my sub expired. :)


The combat is not that hard with a gamepad imo , in fact now I am powered up rather enjoying it. Came across a tough boss last night though called "Goodwin" and just could not do it but found a very useful video on youtube and after equipping Kopis superior dagger he was mince.

Great game.

How are you all finding this game!? Looks awesome!!

Loving it so far. Initially not as much as Origins and Odyssey, possibly in part due to how much I find ancient egypt and greece fascinating.

But dig into it and mess around abit in england area and it grows on you and bests the other two in some areas IMO.
:o every region (bar ones behind a story) wealth, mystery and artifacts done. About 70 hours in all. dammm some of those mysteries were awesome (though some did also suck). Now to play the game :p
very similar but more manly - the shield option is great and then multiple ways of dual welding. The only issue I found is the slow process of unlocking abilities .. so at the start you can only hack/slash but you learn other stuff as you go!
My unwritten rule:

1st person = K&M
3rd person = Controller

Yes that looks good only if you can get used too a controller:D But if not only K&M

very similar but more manly - the shield option is great and then multiple ways of dual welding. The only issue I found is the slow process of unlocking abilities .. so at the start you can only hack/slash but you learn other stuff as you go!

Yes the shield is a good option if you want to block the hits but not as good when using dual axes in combat, I will use dual axes when Ubisoft fix it on the PC!, just like in Odyssey with a sword and spear to do more damage that way;)
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The game freezing is ruining this game for me; not sure what problem is and have tried a few things. Anyone else with similar problems?
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