Assassin's Creed Valhalla

After 27 hours I finally did a leap of faith.

I was thinking that every time I jumped/dove it was a bit messy, now graceful and Assassins Creedy! I was surprised how much I missed it.
40+ hours of no problems before the latest patch. Now, in a matter of a few hours I’ve had 2 crash to desktop and 2 lock ups, with the sound/music still playing.

I was starting to get a bit bored with it but if this keeps up, I’m done. Thank god for uplay+ :)
I'm still getting those runes every time I log in!

I've now decided I am truly going to take my time with the game. I had thought of getting through it to play Cyberpunk at a reasonable time, but I don't get a hell of a lot of playing time nowadays so if it takes me a few months, it takes me a few months and Cyberpunk can wait. I'm going to play it slowly. Plus, I'm enjoying it so much!
Yeah but you have enough on the map in total to build every single building in the village by the time you complete the game, the only people who would end up actually buying the materials off the store are the impatient and the I Want Now crowd, everyone else will simply play the game and build the buildings as they go....and to be entirely truthful, that says far more about those people buying the materials than it does about Ubisoft having them on the store.
If that is your style of playing a game to drag it out bit by bit and slowly build up that's your choice but you don't speak for everyone and if people like me that want to pay for microtransactions @Ubisoft store for any game what is wrong with that shouldn't that be my choice of style of playing a game! and Valhalla is soo boring and slow in building up your settlement now I can fix the boring problem with microtransactions.:D

I find I can no longer hold an axe and shield at the same time :confused: it won't let me hold two weapons either so not sure what that last patch has done

And the other problem with Valhalla is you can't build you own arrows but in Odyssey you could, and the PC controls are bad 'E' to mount a horse but 'C' to unmount? what is wrong using just one key:mad: and yes the duel axe don't work for me too they fix one thing then complete mess up another it will take them over a year to fix most of the bugs but not all.

This is of course true, but Ubisoft have clearly manipulated it so that you will be just a bit short quite often to push their store on people...
Ubisoft is a Private game company what they sale in their stores is just like any business company would today they are not false anyone to buy from them the choice is yours so how is that manipulated!
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If that is your style of playing a game to drag it out bit by bit and slowly build up that's your choice but you don't speak for everyone and if people like me that want to pay for microtransactions @Ubisoft store for any game what is wrong with that shouldn't that be my choice of style of playing a game! and Valhalla is soo boring and slow in building up your settlement now I can fix the boring problem with microtransactions.:D

And the other problem with Valhalla is you can't build you own arrows but in Odyssey you could, and the PC controls are bad 'E' to mount a horse but 'C' to unmount? what is wrong using just one key:mad:

Of course its your choice, you're entitled to that choice. Just as I am entitled to critique those who make the choice, choice doesnt make someone immune to criticism , thank goodness or what a horrendous world we would live in when it comes to politics, art and literature !

I'm not dragging it out by building up the village bit by bit by the way, I'm just playing it as its intended. Everyone has the choice by all means of course, if someone is impatient and simply wants to have every building in the village built at a time when they have only explored 1 region of the game then they can, all they need to do is open their wallet and pay and they can unlock every building within the first 10 minutes of getting a village. Cant see the point in that myself but I guess its the same reason why people buy MMO accounts with max level prelevelled up characters on them or buy gold in games off gold farming websites. The gamers choice to do that as you rightly say.
I think you hit a brick wall on the village building anyways if not done enough quests. Normally mop up the map of the icons first, so now done all the monasteries now but not yet started first story arc in england, but I can't build out the village anyways. Think you need to get to a certain point, so even those who opened there wallets would not be able to get it right away. Unless the first story arc lets you build it more I suppose :p

Thinking this is going to be around 100-120 hours to complete 100%
I think you hit a brick wall on the village building anyways if not done enough quests. Normally mop up the map of the icons first, so now done all the monasteries now but not yet started first story arc in england, but I can't build out the village anyways. Think you need to get to a certain point, so even those who opened there wallets would not be able to get it right away. Unless the first story arc lets you build it more I suppose :p

Thinking this is going to be around 100-120 hours to complete 100%

Yeah mopping up the icons is how I play, I 100% these games, so first thing I do in each region is run around and do every blue mystery, white artifact, yellow wealth and also every lootbox (the small yellow dots that dont show up unless you zoom the map right in) and each treasure hoard map, once I've done all of those in a region I do the region story arc, then I return to the village, do a few upgrades and then do the same for the next region. The upshot of that is that I've just hit 70 hours played and have only done 5 regions and havent been anywhere except England yet :D
I’m loving how story driven this is and how the world events don’t detract from the main story - the arcs and lack of long side quests makes this aspect better than odyssey and origins, it just flows better. Just finished east anglia which is one of my favourite arcs so far, minus the high level areas. Onto lunden now. In terms of atmosphere and lighting they’ve done a brilliant job, I mean the landscape can only be varied so much in England, but they’ve nailed the fog, storms, marsh, woodland type vibes. There are some truly stunning areas.

I like the decisions they throw in too, you never know whether they’ll have an impact down the line or not and truly make you stop and think sometimes.

I’m not sure if I’ll want more of the game in terms of dlc, but I’m enjoying the ride and look forward to seeing what they do with next gen AC.
I’m loving how story driven this is and how the world events don’t detract from the main story - the arcs and lack of long side quests makes this aspect better than odyssey and origins, it just flows better. Just finished east anglia which is one of my favourite arcs so far, minus the high level areas. Onto lunden now. In terms of atmosphere and lighting they’ve done a brilliant job, I mean the landscape can only be varied so much in England, but they’ve nailed the fog, storms, marsh, woodland type vibes. There are some truly stunning areas.

I like the decisions they throw in too, you never know whether they’ll have an impact down the line or not and truly make you stop and think sometimes.

I’m not sure if I’ll want more of the game in terms of dlc, but I’m enjoying the ride and look forward to seeing what they do with next gen AC.

Totally agree with all of that. I wasn't sure at first about the lack of side quests, but it works really well. Especially when you get side quests at your settlement as well. I also really like the way they integrated the old Assassin's Creed gameplay such as blending in and added pickpocketing back.

Lunden has been my favourite arc so far I think.

Also I really enjoy playing with no hud. I appreciate the way they let you do that, but still give you tools to guide you, for example I have no compass, but if you choose an objective or place a marker you can always find it with the raven. They make good use of audio cues as well. Only drawback has been I don't see any tutorials at all... So for example have no idea what the point of the cursed area are! I think they sometimes give you a skill point?
I’m not sure if I’ll want more of the game in terms of dlc, but I’m enjoying the ride and look forward to seeing what they do with next gen AC.

My money is on the next title being Japan, people have asked for it for a long time and I can foresee them finally offering it up, though I havent reached the end of Valhalla yet so depending how it ends I might change my mind on where I think the next one will be set but currently I'm thinking they will either go east to Ancient Japan/China/India or west to Aztec/Mayan/Inca. Theres a lot they can do with those in terms of the Izu tie-in...for example the Indian Mahabharata has many descriptions which would fit flying ships and nuclear weapons being used, so they could tie that in with the first civ, equally there are many legends in South America surrounding the Olmecs, which could be used to tie in to the Izu
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