Assassin's Creed Valhalla

No CPU overclock either.

The only thing 'overclocked' in my system is the ram.

I have the 3200MHz 8 pack stuff but it is officially rated for 3600MHz CL16 at 1.35v and this is how I run it now.

Yet it still freezes in this game. It seems even worse since the 1.2.1 title update.

I'm going to try a different game and see how it goes. I will also try the run as admin as mentioned above as that is something officially suggested by Ubisoft.
Only thing left to rule out then is the RAM. PITA but if you find it doesnt crash its likely something there it doesnt like. If its any help I had two crashes to desktop this afternoon and it hasnt crashed on me for weeks. The game is pretty flaky and tends to have spells like this when they patch it.
Picked this up a few days ago and have put in about 10 hours. Still in Norway and trying to get a feel for the combat and that.

Performance is... interesting. On my monitor (LG 32GK850F 1440p@144Hz), I get ridiculous microstutter despite an average frame rate over 100fps. On my telly (Sony KD-55XF9005 2160p@60Hz), I get nothing but buttery smooth 60fps with little or no microstutter.
That's with no OC on CPU or GPU (specs in sig). If I could play on the telly alone it wouldn't be a problem but, as I do most of my gaming on my monitor, the micro stutter is driving me nuts because it just doesn't feel smooth.

Of course, I am forcing myself to play it as I paid good money for it and, damn it, play it I must!



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Picked this up a few days ago and have put in about 10 hours. Still in Norway and trying to get a feel for the combat and that.

Performance is... interesting. On my monitor (LG 32GK850F 1440p@144Hz), I get ridiculous microstutter despite an average frame rate over 100fps. On my telly (Sony KD-55XF9005 2160p@60Hz), I get nothing but buttery smooth 60fps with little or no microstutter.
That's with no OC on CPU or GPU (specs in sig). If I could play on the telly alone it wouldn't be a problem but, as I do most of my gaming on my monitor, the micro stutter is driving me nuts because it just doesn't feel smooth.

Of course, I am forcing myself to play it as I paid good money for it and, damn it, play it I must!

My first thought (regarding your stutter) was that on your Sony TV you're managing to hit a constant 60fps at 60Hz, so you're essentially vsynced to the screen meaning you won't get any stutter. I then assumed that your monitor was running at 144Hz but you're not hitting that FPS wise, and you don't have Gsync on that, so you'll get stutter. However, I see now your LG monitor actually has freesync, so that should take care of any FPS/Hz mismatch just like Gsync does, and you shouldn't have that type of stutter anyway.

So I don't know sorry. Not sure why I posted now :) Is this particular game known for stutter issues? Some Ubisfot engine games are - I only have Ass Creed Origins that's similar and I know that used to have bad microstutter issues on release, even on my Gsync monitor, but over time it got better due to game updates I presume.
One thing you can try on your monitor, is to limit the FPS using RTSS to the lowest frame rate that you occasionally hit. e.g. if you get an average of 100 fps but with dips to 80, limit your fps to 80. This can sometimes help with microstutters in dodgy games.
One thing you can try on your monitor, is to limit the FPS using RTSS to the lowest frame rate that you occasionally hit. e.g. if you get an average of 100 fps but with dips to 80, limit your fps to 80. This can sometimes help with microstutters in dodgy games.

Funnily enough, the game has an FPS limit setting and here is the result:
I'll use RTSS to up that limit, seeing as my system can handle over 100fps fairly handily.

Thank you, wunkley! :D
No worries bud. Did you see less stutter by using the in game limiter set at 90? The graph line in your pic looks very level, but that doesn't mean anything sometimes when microstutter is involved. YOu can only go by your eyes, and some people don't seem to notice stutters. For me it's almost an obsession getting butter smooth gameplay.

RTSS is generally considered better for frame limiting vs in game limiters btw. Depends on the game though. The best of the best for frame limiting is SpecialK. Not many people seem to know about this awesome program and why he named it after a **** breakfast cereal is anyone's guess :p It is fiddly to set up and use though. It does various other fancy stuff including retrofitting HDR into some non-HDR games. It actually works!
No worries bud. Did you see less stutter by using the in game limiter set at 90? The graph line in your pic looks very level, but that doesn't mean anything sometimes when microstutter is involved. YOu can only go by your eyes, and some people don't seem to notice stutters. For me it's almost an obsession getting butter smooth gameplay.

RTSS is generally considered better for frame limiting vs in game limiters btw. Depends on the game though. The best of the best for frame limiting is SpecialK. Not many people seem to know about this awesome program and why he named it after a **** breakfast cereal is anyone's guess :p It is fiddly to set up and use though. It does various other fancy stuff including retrofitting HDR into some non-HDR games. It actually works!

Noticeably less stutter! Not buttery smooth but far from janky and vomit inducing.

I've used SpecialK before but prefer RTSS because I've been using it for years along with AfterBurner. If it doesn't play nice with AssCreedVal thoguh, I'll give SpecialK a go with it!
I really should get back to playing this. I can't be fat from the end but I just lost all interest and stopped playing.

Lost access to EA Access now so perhaps I should return and finish it off
Noticeably less stutter! Not buttery smooth but far from janky and vomit inducing.

I've used SpecialK before but prefer RTSS because I've been using it for years along with AfterBurner. If it doesn't play nice with AssCreedVal thoguh, I'll give SpecialK a go with it!
IIRC turning off depth of field made a huge difference.
I really should get back to playing this. I can't be fat from the end but I just lost all interest and stopped playing.

Lost access to EA Access now so perhaps I should return and finish it off

What % does the connect app say you have completed?
What % does the connect app say you have completed?


I played the game at my own pace which meant I was often wildly overpowered for most the content. I couldn't help myself tracking down zealots, raids, the sisters and lost dregnrs. Killed all of The Order bar the last person, who it's clearly obvious who it is.

I played the game at my own pace which meant I was often wildly overpowered for most the content. I couldn't help myself tracking down zealots, raids, the sisters and lost dregnrs. Killed all of The Order bar the last person, who it's clearly obvious who it is.

LOL, I had no idea right till the very end, may have been the order I nuked them in though as I never read the clues!

Yeah I think I was just over 80% when I completed Eivors story arc.
Only thing left to rule out then is the RAM. PITA but if you find it doesnt crash its likely something there it doesnt like. If its any help I had two crashes to desktop this afternoon and it hasnt crashed on me for weeks. The game is pretty flaky and tends to have spells like this when they patch it.

Well last few days I have been playing RE3 with no issues.

I do think it's the game to be honest, because my pc is pretty much at stock.

Yes the ram is technically overclocked, but it's using timings that it is officially rated for.

The 8 Pack 3200MHz ram can actually run in three official configurations CL14 3200MHz, CL16 3600MHz or CL18 3866MHz.

And I am using the CL16 timings at 1.35v so it is basically stock.
I have played for a few days now without crashing. Not changed the setup in any way, I think its heavily weighted on the game and what is going on in the background (i.e. if you check out the weekly connect/challenges or visit reda's shop it has to communicate with the Ubisoft servers and can be rather glitchy). If I dont launch a fresh connect instance it seems to have some form of issue so I put it down to the game and its telemetry. Many bugs posted by players still happening...
4 crashes for me tonight after 20+ consecutive hours of none. Seems so random.

Really enjoying the game though. Not been a huge AC fan and never finished any of the previous ones all be it that I haven't yet tried Origins or Odyssey. For me the previous city based games are like, when Tom Hanks said in Big, "Whats so fun about playing with a building?". What's fun about spending considerable hours exploring cities that look the same everywhere you go? Dull. But the world in Valhalla is fun to play in.
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4 crashes for me tonight after 20+ consecutive hours of none. Seems so random.

Really enjoying the game though. Not been a huge AC fan and never finished any of the previous ones all be it that I haven't yet tried Origins or Odyssey. For me the previous city based games are like, when Tom Hanks said in Big, "Whats so fun about playing with a building?". What's fun about spending considerable hours exploring cities that look the same everywhere you go? Dull. But the world in Valhalla is fun to play in.

Origins is the best of the three imo.
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