Assassin's Creed Valhalla

The shield buffs are ok now, but from memory when starting out (think I started playing sometime early Decemeber as Yule festival came out) they were naff, and the time when you really needed good shield perks was early in the game lol.
no crashing here for me with valhalla. Running 4K High+ at 100FPS Quite nicely

However im so bored of valhalla

* Story in all Ubisoft games are crap
* Miss a challenge, Very hard is just to easy
* you just spam RB
* Ablities are not even needed i fill to OP vs anything
* No mercs like in Odyessy.

After restarting Odyessy Much prefer it:
* Mercs have a range of ablities & weapons. They have weaknesses
* mercs chase you a around Giving you extra challegne
* Better Weapon variety in Odyessy (can build my character)
* Ablities are actaully required
* Difficuluty is higher due to Mercs

I love viking history, but just cant like it & ive put in 90 hours i think.

I quickly got bored with it after I hit England which was supposed to be when it got going. Just could not be bothered with the story. These games are starting to get a bit rinse and repeat.
Few annoying things like your character not doing what you want him to do, him jumping up onto a fence when you didnt do it then trying to get him to jump off but instead he walks
along the fence. Generic enemies are pretty weak just shoot them with your bow in the head the ones like Berserker take a bit more of a challenge but its same again weaken them with bow
then finish them off. Also the assassination missions from the Order pretty sure in Odyssey they put up a decent fight in this they were despatched pretty quick first one didnt realise I had done it
second one just jumped from above and assassinated.

Odyessy was better I enjoyed that more.
I quickly got bored with it after I hit England which was supposed to be when it got going. Just could not be bothered with the story. These games are starting to get a bit rinse and repeat.
Few annoying things like your character not doing what you want him to do, him jumping up onto a fence when you didnt do it then trying to get him to jump off but instead he walks
along the fence. Generic enemies are pretty weak just shoot them with your bow in the head the ones like Berserker take a bit more of a challenge but its same again weaken them with bow
then finish them off. Also the assassination missions from the Order pretty sure in Odyssey they put up a decent fight in this they were despatched pretty quick first one didnt realise I had done it
second one just jumped from above and assassinated.

Odyessy was better I enjoyed that more.
yeh odyessy is not perfect, but give much better reward for fighting Mercs & exploring & although theirs too much loot in most insantances least you can build & adapt your own style. for example i built up a posion build in odyessy where my build up for posion is 1 hit & gives 200% extra dmgfor each tick. You cant really do that in Vahalla.

you can get a 'rough' build but not tailored.
It looks like theres enough scope to get poison and fire builds in valhalla. I can understand Odyssey giving more customisation, to some they said it was annoying so I can see why they tried to make it more simplified this time.

Not liking the way ubisosft are rebadging these armour sets and using the helix credits, maybe odyssey started this off doing microtransactions?
Ah just had a look it’s not cheap is it! I might just watch some videos. It was only for the novelty of it being in Ireland to be honest

Theres England to explore before that, Ireland icing on the cake. I not bought the expansion yet though, I think I will give it a couple of weeks for them to sniff out the early adopter bugs :)
Played this now for a few hours and am just not feeling it. I almost always exclusively play open world type games at the moment but this just feels really churney.

The weather is miserable today so planning to get my teeth into something but doubt it will be this. Think it's going to be an uninstall.
Yeah I'm not as strung on Valhalla as I was on say, Odyysey. That was THE AC for me.

What was it that got you sucked in on Odyssey? I tried it when I completed Valhalla. I got about 11% complete and struggle to go back to it, I found it less appealing.
I've been heavily into Greek Mythology ever since I was a kid, I cannot get enough. That's the main point really. As well at the huge open seas and lighting. Valhalla is just.. dreary looking, but it is fun still.

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I've been heavily into Greek Mythology ever since I was a kid, I cannot get enough. That's the main point really. As well at the huge open seas and lightning. Valhalla is just.. dreary looking, but it is fun still.

Ahh well it mirrors my historical interest then, I like the British Isles - Rome invades, leaves, vikings mingle etc. also now I live in Ireland the whole Valhalla thing has timed it well. Maybe im not that into Greek stuff but I do like it on the discovery programs etc.
Looks like I’m a little late to this party, but jeez this is a long game! Thought I’d pretty much finished it when I rescued the main guy but now i need to finish off the rest of the map?! If I hadn’t put this many hours in I’d give up but I want to see it though now!
Assuming you mean Sigurd then yeah, there is a decent amount to do story wise alone. Add in expansions, doing side quests etc can all add up.
Looks like I’m a little late to this party, but jeez this is a long game! Thought I’d pretty much finished it when I rescued the main guy but now i need to finish off the rest of the map?! If I hadn’t put this many hours in I’d give up but I want to see it though now!

Too long, it’s just so needlessly drawn out. Some of the arcs are fantastic, but some of them really drag. I can’t even face any dlc.
I took a break after the river raid 'repetitive' joke that was. Will grab both the Ireland and France expansion before xmas just waiting for price to drop and have that time out from it, yes agree after the story arc and zealots you need a rest.
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