Assassin's Creed Valhalla

You can fly through it if your used to these franchises. I have always been a player that explores all the side stuff so I could have halfed the main story arch. Thing is I just found it not a chore, I think there was one region which was a bit naff (swanburrow) the rest were fine!

I only played the first, enjoyed the story but it got repetitive and the game was a chore to just see the ending. If I run out of things to play or feel like something different then it's always there. If I'm still interested after 10 hours, even better. Thanks for your comment.
I usually get the Ubisoft subscription for a month every year and play though any of the latest releases I'm interested in and catch up with any new DLC for the previous years releases.
You can fly through it if your used to these franchises. I have always been a player that explores all the side stuff so I could have halfed the main story arch. Thing is I just found it not a chore, I think there was one region which was a bit naff (swanburrow) the rest were fine!

It’s difficult to fly through much of the main story with multiple escort quests and the like. I skipped most of the side content and it still took an age. Some of the northern territories were incredibly tedious. It’s a beautiful game to behold though and still one of the best environments of any open word game. I just wish they had pushed for a little more quality over quantity for some of the story. I’m actually quite enjoying the dlc now, but then it’s been a year since my last AC fix.
Yeah I agree with most of what you said there. I am not sure about the escort quests? You could do the regions in different orders so I dont think it was sequenced as it could have been, you could hop back to Norway or do the seer things to hit other worlds so it offered good variety (I wasnt fan of the Jutenheim place, some of this should have been contained to a DLC which would have meant your original point was answered - main story arch, asgard, zealots) but I also was not keen on the Vinland forced piece complete waste [redacted for spoiler potential].
But don't you need all the DLC and season pass to enjoy the best of the game ?

Personally I wait until the Ultimate editions drop around or just below £15. A few more months and it'll get there. I'm expecting Valhalla to be there during the Epic Games summer sale when we get another round of £10 vouchers.

It's currently around the £35 mark. CDKeys currently cheapest IIRC.
But don't you need all the DLC and season pass to enjoy the best of the game ?

No, definitely not.

Ireland got panned after the normal folk played it (tubers/influencers were keeping their viewers promoting it), I imagine France will not be much better (heard its not great), then dont even ask about the River Raids - that could have been way better with "repeatable content".

This is why I am waiting for either a pack to get them in one go or price to drop a stupid amount.
Am i missing something when it comes to side quests, they do not seem to be appearing in my quests list and there is no markers indicating what it wants me to do???
Am i missing something when it comes to side quests, they do not seem to be appearing in my quests list and there is no markers indicating what it wants me to do???

Quests and side questions relating to the story will be found in your quest menu. The rest are world events that aren’t listed other than where you found them on the map.

Completed the two DLCs over the past few weeks. Both were pretty ‘meh’ to be honest.
Completed the two DLCs over the past few weeks. Both were pretty ‘meh’ to be honest.

Yeah after I completed it the river raids just came out. This was a joke and complete waste of effort on the devs tbh but guess it was seen through, I waited on the Ireland DLC and the tubers tried to be kind but I gathered that (and then the France DLC) were not worth the money so resided to let them come down in price and I will use my 100 credits to discount them further.

They have also released the tombs stuff, your seasonal festivals, another river raid (french rivers) and now the cassandra isle of skye thing for 'free' so its all over the place.
You have mysteries, sometimes stuff in your backpack to refer to (revenge notes) etc. that what you mean?
I am still quite early on but I am yet to find anything meaningful to help me, having just come from AC Odyssey I am used to seeing all the side quests ( or world events/Mysteries as they are now called) listed in the main menu somewhere to remind me about the quest and what they want me to do... from a further google search it seems like this has been removed, I just find it an odd decision to make.
Yes I see, I never played Odyssey or Origins - got Valhalla then bought the previous to visit this year.

They appear on your map as icons, they also tend to be local sidequests to deal with i.e. you dont need to travel far to finish them off from memory. You can talk to that local person or refer to objects in your bag but rarely will you get lost with them nothing a google search wont help fix.
A year on from my refund request Ubisoft have refunded £68 for my hard copy that never shipped. They seem to have missed the fact that PayPal returned the money already.
Grabbed this on Sunday for £15 (after TCB discount) from CDkeys.

I loved Odyssey and held off on this for ages expecting a half hearted re-skin. However a friend with very similar taste is over 100 hours in and convinced me to try it.

I'm about 5 hours in and it hasn't grabbed me the same as Odyssey did, that's setting based though as I just rate the Greek mythos so much higher than Vikings. I can easily see myself sinking many hours into this. It plays well, it's fluid, it looks great, the combat is intuitive, skill trees seem quite customisable, don't really have anything bad to say yet.

I just have to get away from the urge to spend so long exploring and side questing that I burn out and never finish the main campain, 88 hours on Odyssey and I never did finish it :D
I much preferred Odyssey and I didn't feel like Valhalla grabbed me but that didn't stop me sinking 160 hours into the game and all the DLCs.

It's as great game and I think I prefer the Valhalla combat especially with the stamina system but I enjoyed Odyssey more as a whole. I didn't really like the naval battles but I preferred them to the amount you have to use the longboat until you unlock a lot of fast travel points.
I figured the ending was

That chat with the head of the Order of the Ancients and finally getting into that area with Sigurd and putting Balsim on that weird device

That was my thoughts anyway. I got 100% on the game but don't remember a definitive ending
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