Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Data Restructuring Title Update:
In order to continue supporting Assassin's Creed Valhalla with future content and game updates, Title Update 1.4.1 will require players to re-download the entire game as part of a data restructuring.

Timing: This update will occur next week, with more details on the date and patch content coming soon.

The upcoming Title Update consolidates the game files, resulting in a smaller overall game size on all platforms. Additionally, performance should improve with this data restructuring, with faster loading screen times, improved world data streaming, and overall runtime performance.

Note that only the base game needs to be redownloaded. Expansions will not be affected by the restructuring.

The size of Title Update 1.4.1 for each platform can be found below.

Download size from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1:
  • PC ~78 GB
  • PS4 ~67 GB
  • PS5 ~40 GB
  • X1 ~62 GB
  • XS ~71 GB

Disc space used after installing 1.4.1

  • PC ~77 GB
  • PS4 ~75 GB
  • PS5 ~77 GB
  • X1 ~63 GB
  • XS ~72 GB

Disc space saved after rebase:

  • PC ~34 GB
  • PS4 ~30 GB
  • PS5 ~13 GB
  • X1 ~30 GB
  • XS ~44 GB
Exact size may vary based on the language pack installed.
It's a good game but omg the campaign is so damn long, I am at 80h already and hoping to be near the end, will probably do some further exploration once I finish main story. I prefer quality over quantity, I think the game is way too long, at this point I just want to finish the game and move on to other projects.
Yes it can be drawn out. I have seen some guys speed run play just the main story arch and be under 50 hours so I would think they would fall foul of your quality metric or just not do anything other than ride/travel point to point in efficient fashion! :cry:
AC Valhalla can be picked up for 14.99 in the Epic Games xmas sale. Bargain at that price, easily get more than 15 hours out of it (on the £ per hour scale)
No, theres a lot to go over in the main story arch, zealots, side quests. You also get River Raids and couple freebies since I completed the game for the new punter to explore so great time to immerse yourself in it. I was always fond of the Viking history so found the game better than most I guess.
Valhalla main story is 80hrs, DLC Wrath of the Druids 15h, DLC The Siege of Paris 8hrs, New DLC Dawn of Ragnarök 35hrs report in the news.
Too long, it’s just so needlessly drawn out. Some of the arcs are fantastic, but some of them really drag. I can’t even face any dlc.

Thanks for this, got it free with a MSI motherboard a good while ago and the time stated here by some to complete the campaign is putting me off. I completed the very first AC and that was even tedious and repetitive at times. Shame as I've added it to my account, I should have sold it... oh well.
You can fly through it if your used to these franchises. I have always been a player that explores all the side stuff so I could have halfed the main story arch. Thing is I just found it not a chore, I think there was one region which was a bit naff (swanburrow) the rest were fine!
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