Gun crime and mass shootings aren't a big problem in the UK so you are kind of running your own point.
I can see what your thinking. But doesn't that point to that people here can get guns but choose not to do mass shootings?
Gun crime and mass shootings aren't a big problem in the UK so you are kind of running your own point.
Since they never had an issue with them before a non citizen abused the current laws, modified weapons illegally, then committed an illegal act for his own mental reasons. Wouldn't the appropriate response have been to limit gun licenses to citizens of NZ only? Perhaps with mental health checks alongside?
But people do choose to do mass shootings......or was NZ just a horrible dream.
Because one day you might get sad and decide to shoot people.... with your plinking guns you might kill someone easy enough but within 3-4 reloads your on the ground with a head wound.
We do not need guns on UK streets for the general public its beyond stupid infact its beyond brexit stupid.
Just even asking that qurstion is stupid tbh.
They do.
But the only reason why the gun is so deadly to society is because usually people with bad intentions have them.
The more people with gun intentions have them then the more law and order we have in society.
If that mosque had an armed guard the guy might have died as he approached the place.
You know there absolutely no chance of hearing a reasonable argument for allowing assault rifles into the hands of the public, when comparisons are drawn against useful everyday things (such as cars) the argument is lost.
The opinions I have are framed in the context of the title of the thread, which relates to semi-automatic assault rifles, which I think should be absolutely prohibited to everybody but the military and armed police.
It is not an excuse to allow even more guns in home ownership.
Arm more people to defend themselves and the problem goes away.
That hasn't really worked, has it.
I was probably firing SLRs and other fun toys when you was still in a nappy, not that amounts to anything. So please do not call me stupid, i am aware of what people can have locked up in UK gun cabinets. It is not am excuse to allow even more guns in home ownership.
People are stupid which makes guns stupid but keep on trying to defend stupid.
One argument only guns are fun and its not a good enough argument to alllow more.
This is just a stupid postIf there had been properly trained armed guards at the mosque doors then its possible that only the gunman might have died that day.
If there had been properly trained armed guards at the mosque doors then its possible that only the gunman might have died that day.
If there had been properly trained armed guards at the mosque doors then its possible that only the gunman might have died that day.
This is 2019. Are we yet at the point where we can ban this sort of crap for stupidity?
The guy at the other mosque picked up the gunmans shotgun and ran at him, then he ran off. If he never picked up a gun him and many more would have been killed.
Banning guns doesn't make gun crime magically go away
This is 2019. Are we yet at the point where we can ban this sort of crap for stupidity?
Nobody had a gun at the mosque.
If there had been properly trained armed guards at the mosque doors then its possible that only the gunman might have died that day.
That just proves gun-free zones are dangerous!Nearly everytime a mass shooting happens in the US, it happens in a gun free zone, funny how mass murderers don't like following the law