It starts off drawing comparisons between cars and guns
I was showing WHY comparing cars to guns is pointless (I actually said it was a "ridiculous argument" in my posts about it) - isn't that your EXACT point as well???? So if you and I agree then why do YOU think we're in an argument?
When that fails, it turns into a battle of terminology, which seeks to ignore all practical reality.
"When that fails, it turns into a battle" - again you somehow believe that me trying to help you means that you and I are in an argument - WE'RE NOT - You were using the "wrong" terminology and it made you look very stupid. I was HELPING YOU by telling you the RIGHT words to use so you WOULDN'T look very stupid. Go back and re-read all 4 of my my replies to you - At NO point in ANY my replies to you have I disagreed with you - yet YOU still think we're in an argument?
When that fails, I'm the one who has mental problems. (rofl)
"when that fails" - Again even now after several replies where I do nothing but try and help and don't disagree ONCE, you still somehow think we're in an argument - we are not, I was helping you get the terminology right - "HELPING" doesn't mean the same thing as "DISAGREEING".
I have said over numerous replies that "I'm not arguing with you, I'm helping you get the words right" yet YOU continue to believe (somehow) that we're in an argument. If you're having an imaginary argument which feels real to you but DOESN'T EXIST to anyone else then yes, I genuinely do think that you might have some issues which you need help with, whether it's Keyboard Warrior rage or something else.
Strangely I'm able to have an adult conversation on this very difficult topic with various folks like FnG_Magnolia, Greebo, The-Abyss etc where I have said I disagree with them yet I listened to their points thoughtfully and things were amicable as at no point did anyone involved on either side in those discussions just start making things up.
Anyway, at this point I genuinely don't believe that any further discussion with you will make this thread any better as I really don't think you're capable at this point of reading my replies without making up even more imaginary things that I haven't said, so I'll ignore your inevitable "so you lost the battle then" or similar reply.
It’s a mental problem to not want guns?
Absolutely 100% not, it is however it may be a mental problem to believe with absolute 100% certainty that you in an argument with someone who hasn't disagreed with you (not once), especially if, after being told more than once "we're not arguing", you still believe they are.