I don't understand how anyone can drive with the internal cam of racing games...the screen is far too crowded its nothing like sitting in a car.
Give me bonnet cam footage or heck bumper cam.
bonnet cam here aswell . never drive like they do ever
cars had handling right but messed with it latest build for eg is a joke.
Looking very much like Gran Turismo in replay mode, which is no bad thing as far as I'm concerned.
I think that the PC needs a game like GT or Forza.
These racing games take years and years to make, remember GTA 5 got delayed like 3 times haha.
Im expecting a mid-late 2013 release
edit: I was going to say something rather rude about the above poster and comment, but I'll refrain.
The consoles don't cater for simulator driving games, they are very much 'arcade' games, and if you chime in suggesting GT or Forza are simulators I'll laugh you out the room.