Assetto Corsa


It was smoke generation that caused my GPUs to bog down. Even on Low I get significant frame rate dips and a loss in GPU load but nowhere as much as having it on high or ultra.

Turning it off completely and racing with 24 cars on track everything is smooth as you like.
Manju, congrats! :D I'm still not sure if I had the same issues, my smoke is set on ultra and I drift a lot too but never noticed it giving major problems. Yeah, fps dropped a bit (like 90 to 70 when there is a TON of smoke from drifting, but nothing monumental). Then again I didnt run many 24 car races, so perhaps I just didt spot it.

I hope smoke will be changed for release version as its a bit too simplisitic and often overdone (like little lock up on m3 causing 2 meter high clouds of smoke). For formula cars its pretty spot on though - quantity wise.
I've think I've finally worked out how to catch slides. You need to start turning the wheel back in the opposite direction from the slide before the tires grip. It's pretty counter intuitive because you just want to wait for it to grip, but once it does that the car just fishtails.

It takes quite a bit of practise but it'll become more natural the more you do it.

Yep, catching slides has taken me ages to learn, but now it's becoming nearly second nature. Basically in a RWD cars, when you accelerate you unload front wheels, when you release the gas, the weight goes back to the front wheels. And if your front wheels are still turned for countersteering at the and of the slide, they grip fast and the car does a huge tank slapper/ snapback oversteer. Just type supercar crashes into youtube and like every other crash is caused by this. :)

The Aomori-like drift track is great for practice drifting/sliding in AC

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Yep, catching slides has taken me ages to learn, but now it's becoming nearly second nature. Basically in a RWD cars, when you accelerate you unload front wheels, when you release the gas, the weight goes back to the front wheels. And if your front wheels are still turned for countersteering at the and of the slide, they grip fast and the car does a huge tank slapper/ snapback oversteer. Just type supercar crashes into youtube and like every other crash is caused by this. :)
Unfortunately this is where sims are limited as the lack of g-forces means it's a bit difficult to tell what exactly the car is doing all the time. I really think my time in iRacing in the Skippy has helped me understand weight transfer etc.
Well, drifting/controlling slides is tough in RL too- feeling of g-forces did not help the hundreds of supercar owners who became youtube "stars" ;) I saw this vid recently too, a pretty good driver was learning to drift and was getting very frustrated:

not sure whats more impressive, controlling the big broads or the amount of tags he has for the video.

Someone point him in the direction of some initialising please lmao
Speaking about controlling slides, imho the best way to learn about how to start, maintain and stop slides is by learning to drift. These skills then translate to all cars, and to proper racing techniques. Great way to learn car control and having fun too. If some people are just beginning to learn, here is my replay file with some drift exercises. (g27, 900deg, no assists) Put the file into Documents/AC/replay (best external cameras are number 5 and 8, or watch steering from inside - F1). Advanced drivers- ignore :D
Manju, congrats! :D I'm still not sure if I had the same issues, my smoke is set on ultra and I drift a lot too but never noticed it giving major problems. Yeah, fps dropped a bit (like 90 to 70 when there is a TON of smoke from drifting, but nothing monumental). Then again I didnt run many 24 car races, so perhaps I just didt spot it.

I hope smoke will be changed for release version as its a bit too simplisitic and often overdone (like little lock up on m3 causing 2 meter high clouds of smoke). For formula cars its pretty spot on though - quantity wise.

There are some smoke mods people have created, but obviously they're no good to me :p

I created a thread over at the forums showing comparison with smoke on ultra and very low. The render stats app was enabled and I showed what I thought was relevant in MSI AB, so hopefully the devs can find a fix.

Also note how retarded the AI are lol
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Wow, big difference right there! I wouldnt say that ultra smoke is that much batter than "low" either. But its not your mother board, I've repeated your experiment and get the same result (26 ferraries, Monza). Lets see what the devs answer will be.

Rgarding Ai- you made it look shocking lol :) I think its alright when you're racing it proper, but if you start doing things it does not expect from a sensible racing driver, it all starts to go off :D I really enjoy racing it, even though I cant even get first place on "Supercar race" challenge on medium difficulty (pathetic, I know) Or was it hard difficulty? Cant remember, it was runnign 1.24s on Silverstone, I can only muster 1.25s...
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I'm pretty sure it's just that multi gpus aren't coded properly yet or have good driver support for AC. While it's definitely working and def better running multi cards, I don't think we are seeing nowhere near proper optimisation yet. It's still very early in the game cycle, I'm sure come the final product, it will fly on multi GPUs. Reason wh I say that is I can see both my cards hitting 90% usage with 16xAF and 8xSuperSampling AA with cube res and faces at max on a 24 grid. Getting solid 75fps locked but when I add any app to the screen, I loose maybe 50% of my frames. That shouldn't happen obviously, that tells me things just aren't right yet with multi cards.
More practise needed, much much more.

I'm struggling to keep any car on any track.

Start with M3, until you are comfortable with throwing it about (and catching it back ) supercars and racing cars should be locked away;)

These guys found out the hard way :D
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