Dervious, I did the secure erase last night, after validating my backup image (which took longer than making the ruddy image in the first place!) and used the EaseUS Linux boot USB stick to restore the image to the drive. It did it all and all looked OK. However, the PC would not boot, since I could not make the partition active with EaseUS. There is a tick box to do so, but ticking it gave some error message about not being able to make the current partition active. So, I did the unthinkable (this system is only a month old) and used the Win8.1 disk to try to repair the drive, but that didn't work. So, I had to reinstall Windows and wipe out what was on the secure-erased, restored SSD. I have some before and after shots with HD Tune Pro 5.5 which I am still preparing, but I can already tell you, my minimum speed went from 30 MBs to over 200MBs. The burst rate has rocketed and the access times are down too.
In my situation, with a recently-built PC and the drive exhibiting such low rates before even a month had gone by, this points to a Samsung-end problem. They need to address this, but they are such a large remit company, this product is a very tiny piece of their market, and they are replacing these with 850's, so whether they'll do anything is another matter.
P.S. Bad luck Scotland, but I told you so - from
my thoughts page :-
9th September 2014 16:30
Let's stop talking about the Scottish vote until they've actually voted, had the result fixed by the UK govt., and the public hoodwinked into thinking that the Scottish rejected independence. 'Cos, no matter how good it would be for Scotland to be independent, you know that's what gonna happen.