Asus p5q-e and Q9550

Yes, X38 chipset but still a good clocker. I had some excellent results with one including a Q6600 to 3.8Ghz, E2140 to 3.6Ghz, E4300 to 3.4Ghz, E8500 to 4.5Ghz. X38/X48 boards tend to become fsb limited with 45nm quads though so super high clocks will be out of reach.
thanks pasty muncher,i have a q9650 ,i upped the fsb to 3.67 and its stable, i havent touched anything else at all,should i be content with that? memory timings are a complete mystery to me:)
I could'nt get my Q9550 stable once past 3.65Ghz even with silly voltages yet it did 4.13Ghz in a P45 board. Yours has a higher multiplier so you may hit 3.75-3.8Ghz with some tweaking. I will have a hunt around later to see if i can find my old settings for you.
thanks by the way my ram is corsair xms2 1066mhz 2048 2.10v 5 6 6 18 8500c5c when i look in the cpuiz mem it says they are set at 5 5 5 18 2t i have in bios mem set to auto.
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You have to be doing something wrong if you can't even get stable at 3.6Ghz. It's a good board and should get your Q9550 way past that. Are you sure that you have PC2-8500 ram because going by your cpu-z screenie it's only PC2-6400 which would explain your overclocking problem?

Here are my settings for 3.8Ghz, 4Ghz and 4.13Ghz. 3.6Ghz on my rig was acheiveable with everything at stock voltages.


8.5x448 (3800mhz)
Vcore - 1.2500v
CPU GTL Ref - Auto
CPU PLL - 1.50v
FSB Termination voltage - 1.20v
NB Voltage - 1.20v
SB voltage 1.10v
PCI-e Sata voltage 1.50v (mimimum)


8.5x471 (4000mhz)
Vcore - 1.28750
CPU PLL - 1.56v
FSB termination voltage - 1.26v
NB voltage - 1.26v
SB voltage - 1.10v
PCI-e sata voltage 1.50v


8.5x486 (4130mhz)
Vcore - 1.325v
CPU PLL - 1.58v
FSB termination voltage - 1.28v
NB voltage - 1.30v
SB voltage - 1.10v
PCI-e sata voltage 1.50v.

You will probably have to make a tweak here and there but they have been good for other people. I do not leave any voltages on Auto as Asus boards have a tendency to overvolt things.

Used this to get my Q9550 to 3.8Ghz. Had to chuck 1.3V through it though (it is a C1). Need to Prime for longer, but so far stable and not going over 60C with a push/pull configuration on a H50-1 cooler. If I can get this stable I may try for 4Ghz. Have never managed to get it 100% stable at 4Ghz, but then that was using my Asus Rampage X48 which was a pretty rubbish overclocking board.
what kind of overclocks could i expect with a Asus P5Q pro turbo (bidding on ebay) and q9550 (E0).

would i need one of these or would stock intel heatsink/fan work ok?

at the moment ive got one of the terrible asus p5n-d mobos and its useless for overclocking.

i have also just bought a new ATi 6950 flashed to 9670.

this is mainly to play brink but as you might know ATI are having issues with this game so i want to see if i can push 4ghz from this CPU as cheaply as possible. i was looking into water cooling but i dont want any more noise if possible!
damn, i can only get another 0.1 Ghz out of this motherboard using that HSF and a q9550 :(

any tips on OCing an asus p5n-d? i know its not great but i would hope to get 3.2 out of it without water cooling.

on a side note, i can lower the multiplier to 8 and set fsb to 400 but its unstable as hell. :(
Well after giving up on the idea of Overclocking sometime ago now, I have decided to give it another try.

Major reason for this is because I am very much into soft synths and Daws for my Midi Controller Keyboard, and programs such as Ableton Live 8 can take up quite a bit of processing.

This is something I more recently discovered this week when I purchased the Microsoft Life Cam Studio HD Webcam. Which works fine at 1920 x 1080p when I am working in Cubase 5. But in Ableton Live 8 I cannot even get the capture to open up.

So yesterday I decided to have another go at Overclocking and thought I would try and get it to 3.6Ghz. So I came back here to once again have a look at some of the settings I could use, and particularly remember Creed stating in an earlier post on this thread that Pastymunchers settings for 3.6Ghz would do me fine.

Now for the life of me, and I remember this from before, I could not find Pastymunchers settings at all fro 3.6Ghz on this thread, and they are not on here at all. So I found these settings from another site which are as follows:

Settings for Q9550 for 3.6ghz - should be possible for every Q9550

Ai Overclock Tuner : Manual
CPU Ratio Setting : 8.5
FSB Frequency : 424
PCIE Frequency: 105
FSB Strap to North Bridge : Auto (p5q pro has some problems with straps)
DRAM Frequency: Auto, this will be set to 848Mhz (or change to the mhz of your memory)
DRAM Timing Control: Auto (adjust to your timings of your memory)

DRAM Static Read Control: Auto
Dram Read Training : Auto
MEM OC Charger : Auto
Ai Clock Twister : Auto
Ai Transaction Booster : Auto

CPU Voltage : Set what you need, this will range from 1.20-1.4v
CPU GTL Reference: Auto
CPU PLL Voltage : 1.50
FSB Termination Voltage: 1.30
DRAM Voltage : 2.1
NB Voltage : 1.2-1.5v (quads are a lot harder than dual cores to clock, the NB voltage helps with the higher FSB on quad)
PCIE Sata Voltage: Auto

Load Line Calabration : Enabled
CPU Sread Spectrum : Disabled
PCIE Spread Spectrum : Disabled
CPU Clock Skew: Auto
MB Clock Skew: Auto

So I tried out these settings and I also jotted down some of the settings from Pastymuncers 3.8Ghz just in case some of these settings for this other chaps post for 3.6ghz got me a bit confused.

So I tried these settings in the following 2 pics to trey and achieve 3.6Ghz.

Uploaded with

Uploaded with

I then booted up my PC and downloaded OCCT to give it a test out. I had the test on Auto which takes 1 hour to run, and after 46 minutes I got an error message stating error detected on Core 1. So went back to my bios and reset everything back to normal.

I was thinking of trying it again with the FSB Termination Voltage set at 1.30 as in the original post instead of 1.20 but there might be more to it than that.

So I was wondering if you can take a look and try and give me some tips of what to try, as I would like to get this up to 3.6ghz if possible.
I did'nt post any 3.6Ghz settings because my rig did that with everything at stock voltages. :D

My settings started at 3.8Ghz if i remember right. Have a go with my 3.8Ghz settings but maybe tweak them down a bit for 3.6Ghz.
Hi there Pastymuncher.

I have just had another shot using these settings for 3.6Ghz. They are more or less the same as the ones I found on that other forum and the settings I used are as follows:

Ai Overclock Tuner : Manual
CPU Ratio Setting : 8.5
FSB Frequency : 424
PCIE Frequency: 105
FSB Strap to North Bridge : Auto
DRAM Timing Control: DDR" 1063Mhz
DRAM Static Read Control: Auto
Dram Read Training : Auto
MEM OC Charger : Auto
Ai Clock Twister : Auto
Ai Transaction Booster : Auto

CPU Voltage : 1.27
CPU GTL Reference: Auto
CPU PLL Voltage : 1.50
FSB Termination Voltage: 1.30
DRAM Voltage : 2.2
NB Voltage : 1.20
PCIE Sata Voltage: Auto

Load Line Calibration : Enabled
CPU Spread Spectrum : Disabled
PCIE Spread Spectrum : Disabled
CPU Clock Skew: Auto
MB Clock Skew: Auto

I ran the OCCT test for an hour and it passed.

I am gonna give it a run for about 4 hours later to test it out further.

Everything seems to be running fine at the moment, but I have not powered down my PC yet to see if it will boot ok. Something of which I am going to try out straight after this post.

I must say these these tests put your CPU through the test, in the way that they are virtually running all the way through it at 3.6Ghz. In reality no PC is gone run at 3.6Ghz all the time at all, and running it for say 4 hours which will be my next test, is something I rather think my PC will never be running at 3.6Ghz for 4 hours at a time, apart from this test.

I suppose it has to be done to be sure of stability in the long run.

I will post some pics up later of the settings in CPUZ and so on.

Another thing I came across in the Ai Tweaker which confused me is the fact that people are mentioning changing the Dram Timing to the spec of there memory which in my case would be 5-5-5-15.

There is no such option in there to allow you to do such a thing, you can either have it on Auto or Manual but it does not give you anyway of changing them no matter what you have it on, the timings are very much greyed out. So I left mine on Auto.
Update on everything running fine is apparently not. I once again have choppy audio. It's funny how this only happened after rebooting.

I tested out Ableton Live and my HD Webcam at 3.6Ghz and they run fine. But for now I have had to set everything back to normal because of the choppy audio. I was even getting click noises through my headphones without anything playing.

So obviously something not right here, and I dare say one of these voltage changes here somewhere in the Ai Tweaker needs adjusting but which one is responsible for it I do not have a clue.
Just been going over your settings for 3.8Ghz Pastymuncher and they are a bit brief concerning what the other things should be set to. So if I set it up like this as follows will that do. Or are is there anything else that needs changing.

Ai Overclock Tuner : Manual
CPU Ratio Setting : 8.5
FSB Frequency : 448
PCIE Frequency: Auto
FSB Strap to North Bridge : Auto
DRAM Timing Control: Auto
DRAM Static Read Control: Auto
Dram Read Training : Auto
MEM OC Charger : Auto
Ai Clock Twister : Auto
Ai Transaction Booster : Auto

CPU Voltage : 1.2500v
CPU GTL Reference: Auto
CPU PLL Voltage : 1.50
FSB Termination Voltage: 1.20v
DRAM Voltage : Auto
NB Voltage : 1.20v
SB Voltage : 110v
PCIE Sata Voltage: 150v

Load Line Calibration : Auto
CPU Spread Spectrum : Auto
PCIE Spread Spectrum : Auto
CPU Clock Skew: Auto
MB Clock Skew: Auto
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