Asus Prime X370-Pro Owner's thread

You may find the next generations of Ryzen can run faster memory but not currently.

Yea definitely a good point and something to consider.

But then in reality wouldn't that also require a mobo switch as well?

I know the IMC is on the chip but surely the mobo also has a say in what memory speeds are achievable.


Puts me a little in no man's land. My Corsair ram is a little flaky but it's been ok for since around September. But a few days back it completely hard crashed during a game.

I tried the Ryzen memory calculator but that didn't get me anywhere.

I upped the procODT from 60 to 68. Was the only thing I could do. Volts are already 1.4v.
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I found 3200c16 corsair ram was stable at 2933 but after that nothing made any difference. The 8 pack 3200 booted at 3200c14 DOCP with no other settings fine. After upping the voltage of the ram to 1.4 it was stable at 3333c14 or 3466c15 for 2 x 8GB. For me it was worth the change.
I found 3200c16 corsair ram was stable at 2933 but after that nothing made any difference. The 8 pack 3200 booted at 3200c14 DOCP with no other settings fine. After upping the voltage of the ram to 1.4 it was stable at 3333c14 or 3466c15 for 2 x 8GB. For me it was worth the change.

Cool. Good to know the ram is capable of more.

To run it at 3466Mhz will it be as easy as changing the volts to 1.4 and setting the speed? Or does it need timings to be changed as well?

My current ram, passed 400% in HCI testing 90% of the ram. And yet, 6 months later it crashed.

It could be the CPU, but I'm more confident its the ram that's the problem.
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I have had pretty much the same experience comparing the corsair LPX to the 8pack sticks as DarkHorizon when i first did my build not long after launch i couldn't get above 2400Mhz, so i gave in a dropped the 8pack sticks in 3200Mhz instantly....
Cool. Good to know the ram is capable of more.

To run it at 3466Mhz will it be as easy as changing the volts to 1.4 and setting the speed? Or does it need timings to be changed as well?

My current ram, passed 400% in HCI testing 90% of the ram. And yet, 6 months later it crashed.

It could be the CPU, but I'm more confident its the ram that's the problem.

im having issues as well now, done a windows mem test at 3200 running auto settings for the mem and it comes up with errors run it with auto settings on speed as well and its clear. thing is iv had it running since october at 3200 docp settings then the last month or so issues started to crop up. im assuming its the memory sticks so seems il be returning them to ocuk i guess.
It's a cold boot issue, sometimes after a shut down you'll start getting errors on what previously seemed to be stable memory settings. It's the reason why I'm stuck at 2933Mhz, I can't reliably do higher after cold boots. I can squeeze a 3066 or 3200 sometimes, but one cold boot after and I get memory errors.
I'm not 100% sure what the issue might be, but it seems to be Ryzen IMC related rather than motherboard as it happens on other mobos too. I'd suggest you drop the memory frequency a little bit because you'll probably send the sticks back and OCUK will do a memtest on them and might not find any issues with the kit.
yeah been messing about and atm got it set to ddr3000 with auto settings and it passes the window memtest program fine and no random issues, will give a day or two then try 3200 on auto something it wouldnt pass a few days ago, then play with the timings i guess once i find the limit of the mem speed, the 2000 range of cpus seem to be better so may just get one of them down the line who knows.
Try and see if it's stable after a cold boot or two, I've added those into my testing regimen, but at this point I'm just sticking to 2933Mhz.
What LLC settings are people using on this board?

I've been having loads of issue over the last two weeks to stabilise my 8 Pack ram at DOCP.

I tried loads of stuff and eventually got it to pass 400% in HCI.

However it still would crash and freeze within 20 mins in games.

Turns out leaving auto on and turning CPU LLC 3 and SOC LLC 1 stabilised my ram.

However... things are still not 100% stable.

I get the occasional crash in games. PC is fine but the game crashes to desktop. Hard to say if it's a bug in game or PC, but when my ram was unstable the games would crash to desktop too.

Again fairly rare now but still happening.

However today during a gaming session I paused the game and after a while the PC reset it's self.

So I still haven't found stability yet.

Settings as follows:

BIOS at defaults.




PBO enabled

What do you think I should change?
I struggled with lower voltages and LLC so in the end I gave up and just used a slightly higher voltage and LLC on "auto"
while its using a little more voltage/power than it needs to its stable, I haven't tried lower voltages with LLC on the newer BIOSs though as its not broke so i don't want to "fix it" currently
Have you tried swapping the ram into the other two slots to rule out the motherboard slot as been part of the issue?
My 1700 runs the 8 pack stuff fine at stock its only as i start to push the overclock on the CPU i have to start playing with voltages more.
LLC1 = Auto, it doesn't change anything. If you're not stable, then you're running at too low voltages, LLC settings should be tuned if you're going for more extreme overclocks, usually LLC1/Auto or at most LLC2 is fine.
Also according to The Stilt, the 2600X/2700X should reach their highest possible memory clocks with SoC set at 1.1v, so keep LLC1/Auto on the SoC and set the voltage to 1.1v. Not sure about vcore, but it sounds like you're not stable at stock?
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But that's what strange.

So inconsistent. I upped the dram voltage to 1.4v and the soc to 1.15v.

Yesterday I played 3 hours no issues, to day 2 game freezes in 1 hr.

The dram calculator suggests at 3200MHz less voltage than that.

With out LLC set on the CPU at least I was experiencing freezes every 20-30 mins in game.

LLC improves things a lot.

The other thing that annoys the hell out of me is it can pass 400% HCI and still freeze in game after 20 mins.

What I've done now is keep things as they are, run the Ryzen calculator and added the little extras such as ProcODT etc etc...

See if it makes a difference.
The other thing that annoys the hell out of me is it can pass 400% HCI and still freeze in game after 20 mins.

The annoying property of passing memory tests then it crashing in the OS was a problem I had with the corsair LPX which threw me off when I was troubleshooting, resulting in me taking a lot longer to see the Samsung B die vs other RAM people where finding out.

so your not along with that one
Been trying different voltage/clock frequencies recently, seems my R7 1700 can do: 3.6Ghz at 1.175v, 3.75Ghz at 1.275v and 3.85Ghz at 1.35v (all LLC1/Auto). Haven't really found a good voltage for 3.9Ghz or higher, tried with 1.375v, 1.4v and 1.4125v and nothing passed Prime95 so I guess 3.85Ghz is the most I can get out of my chip at a reasonable voltage, I could probably do 3.9Ghz with 1.425v but that doesn't really seem worth it.
RAM wise I need to test more, there has to be some setting that's causing me to get errors from a cold boot, I just don't understand how it's possible to find stable settings that remain stable after several reboots but one or two cold boots later they're unstable. I checked with RTC too, all of the timings and other memory settings are 100% the same, but I just get errors after cold boots.
Any one have any pointers what I can do to get my 8 Pack ram stable on this board?

The DOCP settings are not stable. With LLC 3 and LLC 3 on the soc it's intermittent.

Some days a few hours for gaming others it''ll crash games and freeze.

I've resorted so far to upping dram voltage to 1.4v and added ProcODT 60ohms.

What else can I try?

I've tried the dram calculator and the stilts settings.

Same issues.
Just an update if anyone has any magical ideas. I sent my 8Pack 3200MHz ram back under RMA as it just would not do 3200MHz at all.

The ram I've received back also wont do 3200MHz so it seems the limitation is the mobo.

Is there anything I've overlooked here? I've tired all the usual stuff to get this too work.

Is my board just limited to 3133MHz?

No amount of volts, procodt, llc, soc voltage makes any difference.

Is it even remotely possible this is a bios issue?
I too have been having trouble getting 3200 stable. My RAM (CMK16GX4M2B3600C18 samsung B-die) is on the motherboard QVL list but doesnt work using DOCP out of the box. The QVL says it should work for 3200 18-19-19-39 but its not fully stable when testing using HCI memtest (16x 850MB instances) fails intermittently usually before 100% mark, it pass memtest86 though. I would be interested how the motherboard vendor validates these RAM, which CPUs they tested and how many of theses CPUs it worked for.

Validating overclocked RAM seems to be difficult, time consuming and at times very random. I had 3200 settings pass 1200% HCI memtest but then retest 2 days later and it couldn't pass the 100% mark.

Ryzen 1 officially supports up to 2666 memory (although I dont see AMD list any RAM timings associated), so going passed this is technically overclocking and not guaranteed. According to the JDEC spec they support up to 2400. Also these overclocked XMP profiles on the RAM are technically validated for Intel platforms so not sure how it translates for the AMD platform.

Check in the Bios auto RAM timings for CHA and CHB if there are any non-matching channel settings. For example at 3200 I notice sometimes for tRDWR CHA shows 7 and CHB 8, so I hard set to use 7.

I recently passed 2500% HCI memtest using these settings for 3200, although I haven't tested them for daily use as I reverted back to Bios defaults to test for Windows 10 bugs.

DRAM Frequency: 3200
DRAM voltage: 1.4v
Soc voltage: 1.1v
tCL: 14
tRCDWR: 14
tRCDRD: 14
tRP: 14
tRAS: 28
tWR: 12
tRFC: 312
tRFC2: 192
tRFC4: 132
tRDWR: 7
ProcODT: 53.3 ohms

I think everyones RAM settings are different due to the different hardware combinations. I think it's time consuming to find out which settings the hardware prefers. Even when settings pass testing one day may not be stable another day, it's been a very frustrating experience for me.
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