At last Jailbreak 6.1 coming very soon. Yipee!

Anyone else use RemoveBG?. I've just managed to download it and when you use it all it does is crashes the phone into safe mode. Tried it with the SBSettings toggle and it does the same. I've tried using various different Activator strokes with it like 'press and long hold home button' and 'tap status bar' etc but still the same - crashes to safe mode every time.

Just wondered if anyone elses was doing the same?.

*EDIT* Now using Killbackground instead at the mo'.
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Also - What is the best free wifi tethering app?. TetherMe?. PDANet restrictions after 14 days put me off that, looking for an alternative.
I've just upgraded to IOS 6 but for the life of me I cannot remember a Cydia app that I used.

I used to double click on the home button and it would show 2 rows of apps that where currently running. I could swipe to the left and it would give short cuts for volume and brightness, the most important button though was one that closed all running apps.

Anyone remember the name?
Auxo? :-


It's a paid app I believe so you probably won't manage to download it from Cydia just now as all paid apps seem to be unavailable at the moment.
Also - What is the best free wifi tethering app?. TetherMe?. PDANet restrictions after 14 days put me off that, looking for an alternative.

Depends on your network I guess, but being on o2 I can use the built in hotspot and that seems perfectly fine.
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