At what age am I allowed my own space?

28 Dec 2009
The only limitation preventing you from getting your own space is money. You need 2 or 3 months rent and will probably need even more if you have no furniture and it all adds up when you start needing every kitchen utensil and so on. I liked house sharing at times and hated at times as well, I much prefer my own place and would never go back to sharing if i can help it. I did live with a guy that was 35-40 and he moved in to our house share as he wanted a place with a big garden so he could have bbq parties and so on. This guy owned his own business and was paying £450 a month for a big room. After a while we could pick the house mates we wanted and ended up picking spanish girls and then canadian girls. It was ok and fun, but i still prefer my own place, the only reason i would share again would be to get a big garden and if i wanted more social life with house mates.
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27 Apr 2013
Please, I've been there and done that. Nothing changes, doesn't matter if you're working with a huge charity or a small group of trade unionists. Nothing changes - the people behind the problems are too powerful and too organised.

Change happens all of the time! But as I said, you're a defeatist, you've already given up.

I'm not miserable by the way, I just don't think you should pretend anything is less crap than it is. That's how life is.

Life is what you make of it. You live in one of the richest nations on the planet, have free health-care, an education and food in your belly. Life is pretty good! Maybe you need a vacation in Mosul to get some perspective.
21 Jan 2007
Change happens all of the time! But as I said, you're a defeatist, you've already given up.

Life is what you make of it. You live in one of the richest nations on the planet, have free health-care, an education and food in your belly. Life is pretty good! Maybe you need a vacation in Mosul to get some perspective.
It's not about me, it's about the big picture. My life is fine, I'm not saying my life is bad or that I'm depressed or whatever. I'm doing better than most.

I know I can change nothing in the big picture because I've been there and tried it and ultimately learned you can't fight the powers that be. Short of getting your hands bloody and I'm not soldier, that'd be a cliche "Desk jockey goes crazy and tries to brutally murder business leaders and politicians" I can just see the headlines now.

The point I was trying to make to OP is that the world does not care, the world does no favours, you are not special or entitled to anything. Most of your dreams will slip away and the few you cling to and make happen won't be all they're cracked up to be. Accept it and do what you can to get through life.
9 Jul 2013
The Garden Tomb
[FnG]magnolia;26602312 said:
To answer your thread title - which, by the way, bears little to no relation to your thread content - whenever you feel like, can afford to and/or are capable of doing so.


If you think that you can only be happy once you have achieved a certain goal (e.g. I will only be happy when I've worked for 30 years, got a house have a shiny car), then you will never be happy.

Happiness cannot be based on something external; it has to come from within.

Life is about the journey, not the destination.
2 May 2014
Sorry Pitchfork - but the many thousands we have in the uk who are sat on the arses being carried by the rest of us who work hard is not acceptble at all

And I'm on about that small 0.1% who just sit there and sponge there way through.

They get the world handed to them on a plate - and have now raised a generation who think this is the right way forward as well.

Your right the world doesn't do you any favours, the harder you work the bigger the hight you drop from - but some miss the ' hard work; asapect and decide screw it you can all pay for my fat arse to watch sky on my 50 inch lcd and smoke 100 a day and drink like George best, pay for all of my bills - while people who really really deserve it get nothing

Did you know that the vast majority of homeless people on our streets are ex service men? People who put there selves out there to protect the country and have been dumped by everyone else?

They need the help - not some young person who think's its so unfair they can't have a new iphone like there friends or dole sucking spongers.

Sorry if that offends anyone
21 Jan 2007
Sorry Pitchfork - but the many thousands we have in the uk who are sat on the arses being carried by the rest of us who work hard is not acceptble at all

And I'm on about that small 0.1% who just sit there and sponge there way through.

They get the world handed to them on a plate - and have now raised a generation who think this is the right way forward as well.

Your right the world doesn't do you any favours, the harder you work the bigger the hight you drop from - but some miss the ' hard work; asapect and decide screw it you can all pay for my fat arse to watch sky on my 50 inch lcd and smoke 100 a day and drink like George best, pay for all of my bills - while people who really really deserve it get nothing

Did you know that the vast majority of homeless people on our streets are ex service men? People who put there selves out there to protect the country and have been dumped by everyone else?

They need the help - not some young person who think's its so unfair they can't have a new iphone like there friends or dole sucking spongers.

Sorry if that offends anyone

Thing is the spongers aren't even the biggest problem, out of principal they are but the reason this country is so screwed is not them.

It's the billionaires who syphon away all the money into an offshore bank account and leave it there not doing anything. It's the politicians who let it happen and the morons who talk about trickle down economics.

We'd be a prosperous country without such a gargantuan wealth divide.
2 May 2014
Thing is the spongers aren't even the biggest problem, out of principal they are but the reason this country is so screwed is not them.

It's the billionaires who syphon away all the money into an offshore bank account and leave it there not doing anything. It's the politicians who let it happen and the morons who talk about trickle down economics.

We'd be a prosperous country without such a gargantuan wealth divide.

Can't argue with your logic there, its correct for sure

Though it is a difficlut line to walk - if you pressure that group of people its dead easy for them to up sticks and go away, leaving a relatively large hole in your tax returns.

Yes we have people who unfortuanlty just get away with murder basically when it comes to a even split of wealth but sometimes the benfits these people bring out weigh them negatives on sociecity

Its a shame but its the way it is - you want fair freedom, try the states or Canda
17 Feb 2006
Would the rich and super rich be more tolerant of being taxed if tax was a flat rate for everyone? So there was no 40%/50% tax for higher earners, just 25% for everyone.

And I guess you'd have to do the same for corp tax, so there was no incentive for everyone to be their own private company.

Just wondering out loud. You can almost sympathise with those paying 50% tax. They already pay more as it's percentage based, but then they pay a larger % too.

I guess it all boils down to the question "what is fairness?"
25 Jul 2005
Don't get me wrong I don't expect anything, just really want it!

Those of you who say I'm not doing anything are under informed however it's still a little silly to jump to conclusions. I'm starting my own business currently which is going quite well, I study a FULL time degree in one of the best unis and work in the holidays however the rent is London is ludicrous. I have never not had a job or been in full time education since I was a months older than 16.

I work hard, it's just in my nature to yearn for my own space. No matter how nice the people I end up living with are I still don't want someone in my house, I feel like they are an intruder - I can never relax.

But my real point was people telling me I had to go through it for the sake of my age, which I find very weird. Why do I have to accept someone's made up stupid rule?

Wait until you graduate then leave the country as I already mentioned. Find somewhere you can pay less for a nicer place to live and get paid more money (if you're doing a science/engineering at least). Unfortunately the UK isn't where you'll be able to find it, you'll just end up all bitter and twisted like many in this thread, not realising that in many western countries a nice house doesn't have to cost your life's work.
25 Jul 2005
It's not entirely a myth though, we're either in or entering a viscous cycle where the jobs created are in London, so people move to London, so more jobs are created etc. So far any attempts to encourage people to do stuff not in London have fallen a bit flat. Potentially related to the eye-watering rail travel costs between there and Manchester for example.

If the business is one that doesn't rely on being near to your customers then trying to do it in London is a bit daft, but there are an absolutely huge number of potential customers in the city that it's not funny. It amazes me how many similar organisations it manages to support, purely because the demand is there.

Even then if you wanted seed money (say you are a tech startup) you'll want to stay in London, it's where all the money is...
14 Oct 2003
We live in a society where money and consumerism is everything. We also have a sense of entitlement and the poor are exploited by the rich in order to make more money. It will be harder and harder for every new generation who is born.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
17 Jan 2014
Don't get me wrong I don't expect anything, just really want it!

Those of you who say I'm not doing anything are under informed however it's still a little silly to jump to conclusions. I'm starting my own business currently which is going quite well, I study a FULL time degree in one of the best unis and work in the holidays however the rent is London is ludicrous. I have never not had a job or been in full time education since I was a months older than 16.

I work hard, it's just in my nature to yearn for my own space. No matter how nice the people I end up living with are I still don't want someone in my house, I feel like they are an intruder - I can never relax.

But my real point was people telling me I had to go through it for the sake of my age, which I find very weird. Why do I have to accept someone's made up stupid rule?

You sound like one of those really clever people who's been to all the great schools and has all the qualifications but lacks the "degree from the university of life, a diploma from the school of hard knocks, and three gold stars from the kindergarten of getting the **** kicked out of you" - Captain Blackadder

(Common Sense)
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1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings
You sound like one of those really clever people who's been to all the great schools and has all the qualifications but lacks the "degree from the university of life, a diploma from the school of hard knocks, and three gold stars from the kindergarten of getting the **** kicked out of you" - Captain Blackadder

(Common Sense)

you got that from the OP?

This is all i got


27 Jun 2008
Thing is the spongers aren't even the biggest problem, out of principal they are but the reason this country is so screwed is not them.

It's the billionaires who syphon away all the money into an offshore bank account and leave it there not doing anything. It's the politicians who let it happen and the morons who talk about trickle down economics.

We'd be a prosperous country without such a gargantuan wealth divide.

I agree on most of your points and it's great to not be another ignorant peon of the worlds ills but as you say you can't do anything about it so just go with the status quo. The world has always been unfair and will continue to be for a long, long while. The only thing that can help change it is technological advancement but we're going to have to make some moral sacrifices first to get there just as many others have done in the past to get us to where we are now. Of course they'll be corruption/exploitation along the way but it's for the bigger picture and the long run.
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