At what age did you know what you wanted to do for a living?

26, not sure, but I think my best stab at it is teaching - so I start a PGCE in September this year.

I am very people-oriented and even before I was voicing my intention I've had people ask me if I've thought of going into teaching.

So, it's a tough job but it might be the one to be my vocation! If not, well, I'll try something else...
I'm 46 and I still don't know what I want to do! I would have loved to be a Midwife but feel that I'm too old now to do the training. I don't think I would be employed afterwards.

I had to reply to this as my mum was around your age when she trained as a midwife! She had worked in tesco stacking shelfs before deciding to go for it. Did it for 10 years but left to work in a bank as the shifts and life style was putting to much strain on her.

If my mum can do it then so can you!
I always knew that I wanted to work in either finance banking or Insurance since the age of 16.

My last placement was in the finance department within the Insurance section of a bank. :p
Am 22, will be starting at uni in September to study Audio Technology. Quite a broad subject, hopefully leading into speaker design, live sound setup/acoustics, studio equipment design or even something like film music composing/editing. Will see how it goes. The rest of my life is very unspectacular but 'ok'.
Im 24 and a doctor. I didnt really make the decision that was what I was going to do with myself until 17 when I had to fill in the uni application form, ive not really decided what path my career is going to take from now though. Im just going with the flow, things tend to fall into place in their own time I find.

10, wanted to be a pilot then was told I am colourblind.

Changed to I.T when I was 12 and first got a computer, still in it :)

Colourblindness isn't necessarily a total bar on becoming a pilot. It depends on what level you are. I'm slightly colourblind and fly commercially.
As I said already in this thread, 29 and cannot afford to do what I want to do which is running a shelter for animals. I envision of a life of getting furious at mankind for mistreating animals and scratching out a living every month, fighting not to go under. It might be romantic in movies or books, but in reality it's tough on your family (lack of money) but still rewarding. Having my mortgage cleared and zero debts does allow me to go onto contract work from next year and only working 6-9 months of the year and the other studying for another degree. No idea what!
Im 15 and I know IT Hardware is my true calling, took computers apart at 12 and 3 years later of fiddling and gaining knowledge, I can now build watercooled overclocked rigs :)
21, when I opened a book on web development... Ahh I remember the day I fell in love.

When you wake up and you look forward to the the day ahead, and you feel the need to do a 'bit extra' outside of work, you know you've got it sorted. I rose to near the top of my industry very fast. Not because I possessed extra skill than anyone, but because I enjoyed it so much.

For god's sake, find and do what YOU love.
For god's sake, find and do what YOU love.

Couldn't disagree more, doing what you love at the behest of bosses makes you grow to hate it. Do stuff that you know in a similar field. It's much more rewarding, you can still apply your knowledge and skills but doesn't feel like a chore when you get home and fancy doing some code.
Im 15 and I know IT Hardware is my true calling, took computers apart at 12 and 3 years later of fiddling and gaining knowledge, I can now build watercooled overclocked rigs :)

Without sounding like a dick... well its hardly rocket science, and theres hardly massive money in it unless you're getting BIG custom build contracts...
Couldn't disagree more, doing what you love at the behest of bosses makes you grow to hate it. Do stuff that you know in a similar field. It's much more rewarding, you can still apply your knowledge and skills but doesn't feel like a chore when you get home and fancy doing some code.

From my experience; Pure rubbish. I'm enjoying it more than ever. If you've got the gusto, the ability to tackle challenges and guts to say no or quit when you don't like it. You get on the right projects, have the ability to innovate and the flexibility to move between jobs.
I'm pretty much entirely sure I want to go on to do computer science at university, currently 19 doing A levels (did a BTEC ND in IT and it was kind of unchallenging, felt a better grounding in maths would be useful). Not entirely sure what I want to do jobs wise. Hopefully when I'm done in university I'll go on to do something technically interesting that pays relatively well.
Have wanted to do medicine for as long as I can remeber, and with a lot of hard work and bloody single-minded determination I'm almost 2 years into the job and still go to work with a sense of excitement, and although it stresses me out more than I can describe most days, I still love being a doctor :)

God knows what I'd ever have done if I didn't get into medicine - have never given anything else any serious consideration
Thread bump, but I may have a direction in what I want to do! I'm interested in meteorology, but have no idea what's out there in terms of jobs, or anything related to it.

Any comments? :)
Around the age of 15-16 i wanted to become a psychiatrist, just finishing AS psychology this year and should be able to take it for A2.
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