6800's are over priced.
Once the dust settles, how about:-
6850 = £120
6870 = £160
6950 = £220
6970 = £300
6990 = £460
HI there
Expect these price points by end of this week:-
GTX 460 768MB = £105 - £115
5830 1024MB = £115-£130 **EOL** ***Practically 5850 performance - BARGAIN***
6850 1024MB = £130-£140
GTX 460 1024MB = £140-£160
5850 1024MB = £130-£150 **EOL** ***Stock None Existent***
6870 1024MB = £170-£190
5870 1024MB = £180-£200 **EOL** ***Nothing sub £200 beats this***
GTX 470 1280MB = £190-£220 **EOL**
6950 2048MB = £220-£230
GTX 480 1536MB = £250-£270 **EOL**
GTX 570 1280MB = £250-£290
6970 2048MB = £285 - £320
GTX 580 1536MB = £350-£450 **Supply & Demand will keep this high**
6990 4096MB = £450-£500
Any card marked **EOL** expect them to be completely gone by end of January, which basically makes cards like the 5830, 5870 and GTX 480 absolute bargains now at their clearance prices, especially the 5870!