Atlas - new Ark developer Pirate MMO

Bought this the other day while it was still on offer.

I'd seen the reviews and the launch issues, but what finally persuaded me to take the plunge (no pun intended) are:

1) It has great potential and I like the setting (developer doubts aside)

2) I watched a person on Twitch playing on a role-playing private server (Darkside) that looked like great fun (look for Katie on Twitch) - this was without many of the issues the official live servers have with performance and certain behaviour.

What I liked about what I saw on that RP server stream (and I'm no role-player) was the interaction between players and some ground rules that encourages that interaction, while avoiding the less fun side of these games like having your base/stuff raided or destroyed when offline and being unable to defend it unless you're in a huge 24x7 company, or being forced to build a fugly base like fort knox just for security over more interesting options.

Their basic rules were that on the sea it's fair game and you can be attacked without warning - piracy is assumed if someone's already attacking you, but it would usually be done with some style / interaction anyway.
On land however you don't raid/attack players without them being there/online, and only after some sort of interaction first that fits in a role play sense, I.E. telling them they're trespassing on your island etc.

Role-play isn't for everyone (never done it either in a game) but it's funny how well it seemed to work in the Atlas pirate/naval setting. (some of their characters are very funny)
All this while avoiding much of the offline grief and problems the public servers have, while retaining the theme and the good points of the game and pvp.

Looking to setup a small server cluster in the near future to have a play with this and go/build from there. :)
Is this game on an RX460 realistic? Don't mind cranking the settings down. Native res is 1080p.

Or is it like Ark, where it runs badly even on decent GPUs? If it's the latter, I'll wait for a PS4 release.
Not much love for this game?

Its been running great for me, the devs are on top of releasign patches and supporting the game and its great fun!

Currently on a PVE 3x2 server called Immersive Exiles and really enjoying it.

Player base is helpful and we all have a laugh.

If your on the fence check it out.
Not much love for this game?

Its been running great for me, the devs are on top of releasign patches and supporting the game and its great fun!

Currently on a PVE 3x2 server called Immersive Exiles and really enjoying it.

Player base is helpful and we all have a laugh.

If your on the fence check it out.

I think many have been put off by the dodgy launch and coverage, oh and the whole 'Ark reskin' stuff, which is understandable.

I'd have avoided it too tbh but then watched a few private server streams that show how good the game can be with a good community and minus the offline raiding and performance issues the official servers have/had.

Just playing around on my own test cluster (2x2) at the moment and enjoying it but planning on joining the darksiderp community server shortly. :)
Hey Raoh,

Yeah i can understand that, i was online for release day and to say it wasnt plain sailing is an understatement!!

I wouldnt play on official though, there are many great PvP and PvE un-official servers out there,

The one i am on has a custom map, with access to all resources and also end game mobs, plans are afoot for 3x3 shortly also.
Is this game on an RX460 realistic? Don't mind cranking the settings down. Native res is 1080p.

Or is it like Ark, where it runs badly even on decent GPUs? If it's the latter, I'll wait for a PS4 release.
It is Ark. The issues from Ark have all been lovingly retained in this DLC Atlas. :p
It is Ark. The issues from Ark have all been lovingly retained in this DLC Atlas. :p

I watched a few "Let's Play" type videos and promptly remembered why I don't play Ark any more. These games need a large time investment to get any enjoyment out of them. Decided I'll just stick to Sea of Thieves instead.
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I watched a few "Let's Play" type videos and promptly remembered why I don't play Ark any more. These games need a large time investment to get any enjoyment out of them. Decided I'll just stick to Sea of Thieves instead.

I had the opposite reaction, I found Sea of Thieves far too shallow - good for a quick blast but lacking any longer term play appeal, for me at least.

The resource gathering can be a grind in Atlas but improves later on with better tools etc., especially on private servers which often have increased gather rates.

If someone doesn't have much game time or patience these days then it's probably not for them but if you do and get the right server/community it can be great. :)
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