I think the Siemens has the most treble out of the lot but it's hard to compare until I test with HD600's. The fidelio X1 has a V shape sound so the treble is already quite high.
Going to bed i'll test some more tomorrow night after work.
Anyone fancy going in on a pair of rockets? Don't really need two so happy to pay half for one if someone else wants the other. Sunny you got a link to ones u bought?
Ordered a gold lion today for whenever I get a aune.
I'm going to have to delay my first foray into tube rolling - I went to Specsavers for my annual eye check today, fully expecting a "no change" but I was wrong and have been stung with a bill for new varifocals and reading glasses.
annual eye check? it's every 2 years up here in scotland, well if you want a free eye check that is. you can have as many as you like but you only get one for free every 2 years.
luckily i'm blessed with perfect vision, eye health is perfect and better than 20/20 on my recent check.
It varies. Im in the UK and it used to be every 3 years, then they stumbled across my family eye history and it became every 2 years, then my eyes started to deteriorate (19.5/19.75) and it became yearly, now that they have stabilised again its every two years. It is also dependant on the branch, given you have to pay for every single eye test in the UK (above the age of 18) some will have it as yearly to milk as much money as they can - but of course several simply don't attend on a yearly basis.
Quite what this has to do with the T1, I dont know
EDIT: Beaten like a ginger stepchild, and with better reasoning.
i'm currently storing my tubes in a small cardboard box. any of you know of any cheap storage solution? something padded and able to keep them secure in place preferably.
i'll need to think about it and see what i can find when i'm out and about.
i was thinking possibly baby socks? placing one tube inside a tiny sock and then inside a small cardboard box.
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