Australian GP 2009 - Race 1/17 (NOT in HD BTW)

i unsure why everyone leaves the worst tyre to the end. surely its best to get it out of the way. I know the track rubbers up more and more so gets easier on them, but surely leaving yourself open to attack at the end is bad.

20laps hard, 13laps soft, 25laps hard?

BrawnGP and Hammy look like they put 25+ lap fuel loads during this SC period.

*edit beaten on fuel prediction.

Why does that no body get the 2nd Renault seat? Just because of his dad? :o
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Jensons Dad praying already!
Bless him

Awwww, though hes probably been praying for the last 5 months that he'd get a drive this season (or for a year that he wont get another lemon of a car)...

Looks like all of ferraris pace is comming from lower fuel, and they are still using the silly traffic lights! :D
It's very worrying that last years main title contender has to get motivated mid race to make an effort!

Looks like Rubens has dropped off the pace, making Jenson look very handy indeed. Shame about Rosbergs pit.

if there is another safety car surely could put massa in the driving seat...doesn#t need to pit again and on the right tyre

We can pit during safty cart now though, so it keeps the options open. Betting on 2 safetys strategy wise is a bit of an odd one though.
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