An awesomely entertaining race.
JB was super smooth, but honestly, the call he made was risky, and sometimes the risk pays off, sometimes it doesn't, so an element of luck IMO, he only had to pass Kubica I think, and that was it, clear air, and gifted the win by Vettel. Still a very good drive, but it's largely down to a bit of risk and luck which paid off nicely for him.
LH was on fire, on like for like tyres and conditions at the start of the race, he managed several overtakes against top rivals that really should have been possible, clearly the conditions made the drivers the key factor, and aero was not the dominant thing.. Obviously the team took a risk on his behalf, and really that decision is something the driver can't for-see at all, so just a bad call, Clearly when he later caught up Alonso, he was caught in an aero train, it just shows how bad it is!.. I agree the 'tyres are off' comment wasn't quite true, but when in dirty air, you then quickly lose your tyres, perhaps after 2 laps of really dirty air his tyres had degraded, he initially challenged alonso a bit, but was then stuck in the train 2-3 laps later.
Kubica was very lucky, it all seemed to fall right, and he clearly is a good driver, he makes few mistakes, and he capitalised on the aero wake in creating a bit of a train, he was just good enough that the aero advantage of the leading car made him able to keep the position.
Masse - Not a bad drive, but not awesome, lots of little mistakes, and clearly was another that was able to use the aero advantage to keep Alonso behind.
Alonso - A pretty good drive, he worked his way back up the field very well, and obviously showing that like LH, he is a world class driver, but probably suffered the most from having to follow in the wake of FM and RK.
Vettel - Best car out there, and he's a very good driver, But plagued with reliability.. I sense that he is a bit 'hard' on the car and seems to suffer more then his fair share of issues, which tells me he may need to be more sympathetic with the car. Still gutted for him.
Webber - Argghhhh, he's just not quite in the top tier of drivers, but has the car to keep him mixing it with them. Shame his actions kept affecting other people, but what can you do..
So for me, todays race was in driver order
1. LH
3. JB/ALONSO equal
However the result was dictated by other things, a risky call by JB when he was given the choice paid off, the team made a bad decision for LH, aero caused a train of drivers not able to overtake each other, rain mixed it up a bit and some drivers causes some spectacular crashes..
What more can you ask for!!