Interesting figures. Hmm.
Only interesting if they were running the same stint. If Merc were running the first stint and Ferrari the last, they look terrible, if they were both doing the same effective stint and same fuel load then they look decent.
It's why race sims are useful comparisons in testing because you know they are starting with all the fuel they need and they do normal pit stops, no refueling, so you can compare like with like. At this stage of the season Merc will care more about getting tire data than pushing the engine.
2 years ago we had this kind of data. This was fantastic, you could directly see what a stint was, exclude strange laps(Rosberg may have been 1 second up on average but had 2 traffic laps behind slow moving/dying cars limping to the pits which brought the average down), compare stint length, see when they were doing full race sims.
That data gave extremely clear idea of what everyone was up to. Somehow data has since gone back to the dark ages. With Sky/everyone else covering testing by saying "x is way 3 seconds off the pace" when X was only doing long runs and never did a qualifying lap.
With football, with baseball, nfl, basketball you have so much data now, widely available and a lot of it isn't actually meaningful, like aerial duels won in football... a team can win 100% of them and lose a game, it's data but not very useful.
But with F1, lap speed, stint length, the data has been available for years, easily deliverable yet it's probably the single worst sport for presenting it.
FOM on screen data looks prettier this year but is as useless, particularly in testing, as always. Should rotate between fastest lap for 10-20 seconds then do current average lap AND current stint lap number, ie 1:33.2 / 12 laps.
Personally think the colours for teams would be better used representing tire used currently. Do the name, first letter of the name, something in team colour but have that line currently used for team to instead indicate current tire being used.