No no, I'm an armchair expert, I can't have an opinion, I can't have a genuinely good suggestion at all because they are smarter than everyone else and only people involved can comment.... blarggh.
Aside from learning that turned down so they are embarrassingly slow the engine has an equal chance of finishing the race or blowing up before it starts. They didn't learn anything, how does the aero perform going max speed... no clue because they didn't run it. How does the engine perform at max pace, no idea, how reliable is the engine at max pace, no idea, where are the heat/failure points when going max speed... no idea.
What is the point of working to get the engine reliable at half speed... it's meaningless. You could spend three months working on issues at half speed then find a whole bunch of new issues at max speed which you haven't worked on that whole time because you never bothered to check it.
Reliability in a performance range you can't use is meaningless and refusing to run turned up only delays finding out what other issues crop up when you run at higher speed. A vibration might occur at 12k rpm that doesn't show up at 9k rpm and you're giving yourself less time to fix it by waiting longer to find it.
Based on this suggestion, I think I am going to start off overclocking my i7 at 10Ghz and work my way down, I mean how else will I learn what could go wrong with it