Yes but one serious accident could change opinion on that. Some of the stuff getting move around the UK is really bad for life. We need a level of responsibility and control that I don't think a machine can ever offer.
So have someone in those machines for “safety”, as there are for aeroplanes. They can take over if absolutely needed.
If there’s extremely valuable products in the back of an HGV have a security guard in the cab. They can take over if they think something dodgy is about to happen, or override the controls if there’s an ambush.
The vast majority of HGVs and even more passenger vehicles are not transporting extremely high value or dangerous goods. Those vehicles don’t need those sort of extra “safety” features.
Those features aren’t really needed for a lorry trundling along a main highway from depot to depot either, which is where automated HGVs are going to cut their teeth in the not to distant future, and where semi autonomous cars are already being driven.