£179.99 ^_^ Not actually for me, about to do a monster build for my brother. Also, the DPD guy was on time TO THE MINUTE! I was very impressed, totally makes up for one time a few years ago where he failed to turn up 2 days in a row.

Good news RetrogamerX, well done! I hope they both treat you well ^_^ I sneakily got a monitor too; the box was in perfect condition and I can't find a fault with the actual screen. Getting a french power lead rather than an English one was upsetting though, but well worth sub-£90 price tag for a 24" Samsung.

That was a cracking price also quote of the week

"Getting a french power lead rather than an English one was upsetting though" :D
I have never knocked OC before, but this seems a little "naughty"

Was £299.99 inc VAT
Now £179.99 inc VAT
Read the Spec

At the bottom it says Originally sold at £216.66+VAT which is £249.99

So it would seem that it has been in "B" for a while [hence the "Originally" price] but that the price has been bumped to make it look a better deal.

OC doesnt need to stoop to this, if correct.

Its not OC stooping to anything, its a clunky old system that does not operate smoothly. The old/new price pulls from the products original pricing, the product description looks at the price it was last sold at, they do not always match up. Its automated and a human does not have the time to thoroughly check through each one.

Its why they are put on so cheap to just get them gone and out the way.
£179.99 ^_^ Not actually for me, about to do a monster build for my brother. Also, the DPD guy was on time TO THE MINUTE! I was very impressed, totally makes up for one time a few years ago where he failed to turn up 2 days in a row.

Good news RetrogamerX, well done! I hope they both treat you well ^_^ I sneakily got a monitor too; the box was in perfect condition and I can't find a fault with the actual screen. Getting a french power lead rather than an English one was upsetting though, but well worth sub-£90 price tag for a 24" Samsung.

I haven't tried the Monitor yet. I don't have a Dual Link DVI Cable. I ordered one yesterday. I just hope it works good?

My DGM doesn't work. No power light on it. All plugged in and press on then....NOTHING.

I assume it's the adaptor supplied with it since when plugged in is makes a weird squeaking noise. UGH, let me see how to RMA just a small part of my order.


Edit, spoke to them and they are happy to replace the power supply but I can't have another one until they receive the knackered one. This means I won't have a working monitor until next week now. If they sent me out one now I'd at least have a working monitor before the weekend. Not happy at all.

That's why I never got one of those. sorry mate:(
I haven't tried the Monitor yet. I don't have a Dual Link DVI Cable. I ordered one yesterday. I just hope it works good?

That's why I never got one of those. sorry mate:(

Ah well. I just wished they could have trusted me enough to send another one now and keep a customer happy rather than insist I return it first and make me wait until next week to have a working monitor. It's only the power supply, not the whole monitor.
Ah well. I just wished they could have trusted me enough to send another one now and keep a customer happy rather than insist I return it first. It's only the power supply, not the whole monitor.

I know it's retarded, but that happened to me 2 times with OCUK too. It almost made me buy somewhere else. The truth though is buying B-Grade is a risk. At least you are given 90 days to return.
Ah well. I just wished they could have trusted me enough to send another one now and keep a customer happy rather than insist I return it first and make me wait until next week to have a working monitor. It's only the power supply, not the whole monitor.

Did you have box number 13?
That was a cracking price also quote of the week

"Getting a french power lead rather than an English one was upsetting though" :D

To be fair, unless I'm ordering white flags, I'll choose English over French every day ;) :P

(Intended as light-hearted humour, please don't be offended if you're French, I'm sure you're lovely.)
Is it a standard kettle lead?

I just called and it seems it is a standard 240 lead. I have a 2 year old monitor lead I guess I could use. I thought they would at least give the power lead, but the guy said not all b-grade monitors have the power lead. Ok then I'll use my old lead. I'm sure it'll work. I hope?
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