
10 Jan 2006
Whats everyones view on pete and shambles. There doing a tour before pete goes in for sentencing. And doing small gigs in london i am going to 1 tomorrow at rhythm factory should be awesome!!!
dominatrix1 said:
amazing live though, amazing how close u can get to pete i went round his house at NY and played me songs in his bedroom it was wicked

I wouldn't find myself compelled to get close to him :p
i hate it how everyone has this picture of the man he actually looks really healthy although admitidally he has a drug problem but doesnt stop him making good music
dominatrix1 said:
u serious he can play the guitar well (maybe not best in world but is still good) and lyrically there is no one better at writing songs
Don't be silly, Libertines were terribly dull and uninspiring, and Babyshambles are no better. There are many better songwriters out there, you've got an enlightening time ahead of you if his are the best you've heard.
Quite a good poet I hear but the Libertines are not so good, and Shambles are worse imho (My favourite druken song atm is Don't Look Back Into The Sun). A friend saw them cover the Sexpistols and he said they were quite good live. As to Mr Doherty's drugs problems, I know someone who knows him and its blown massively, massively out of proportion (despite him still being a dirty scrote). For example:

Mr.D was coming down some steps and they were icy and he slipped, not baked or anything just icy steps, the papparazzi caught this and next morning in all the women's magazines and tabloits were screaming "SCAGHEAD CRACK ORGY PEDOPHILE GAYFACE BIRDFLU WMD DOHERTY AT IT AGAIN!!!!1111

ahahahaha lol at this thread...Pete Doherty isnt a songwriter.

Maynard James Keenan is a songwriter...Pete "what a great example i set" Doherty is an ass, and i hope he gets gonorrhoea and burns in hell. tbh
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