Back garden - new patio (Indian sandstone) DIY log

Think I'll go this stone instead as looks nicer

Went for the non tumbled version of the above plus some matching "setts" for curved edge. Got 70m2 to allow for some wastage and gone for Gtfk epoxy grout

Non woven geotextile in
Lines lasered to a datum
14 tonnes delivered, 3 tonnes moved so far and compacted



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Got about 13.5 tonnes into this now (near 700* those 20kg bags!) . Just need the final levelling /filling/compacting nkw

Might have 500 kg spare.

Got about 4 tonnes of paving stones and primers/grout coming tomorrow.


Did you put some drains in at the back against the house in the end?
Ive put perforated 80mm land drains wrapped in non woven geotextile at the house. I could in future tap it into the soakaway /drain if required but the falls are to the left/right flower beds /trees so I suspect it may be able to naturally percolate away
Should we ask how much fun it was moving all those bags through the house :D
I'm sure a previous angle showed the HIAB reaching directly into his back garden! I call shenanigans :D:cry:

Looks good, inspired me to crack on with my patio next year vs. decking.
I'm sure a previous angle showed the HIAB reaching directly into his back garden! I call shenanigans :D:cry:

Looks good, inspired me to crack on with my patio next year vs. decking.
I think I'll have a little composite decking up the back near my workshop/shed to make an "easy" stepped platform but I think the natural materials do look better.... Also taking out all that rotten decking puts me off it!
Should we ask how much fun it was moving all those bags through the house :D

Good job but crikey, all that manual labour!
Weirdly I don't mind the simple iterative tasks. It's fair to say I have not been attending the gym recently tho!

Ive got 4.5 tonnes of sand and cement coming today.... So similar again :D
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if you use joist tape on top of all the deck joists it will prolong the life. Just a few bucks extra and prep

Aye mine was dumb and they had it against soil or a building on all sides. It needs air flow/air gap.

I believe you can also put a DPC over the top instead of tape.
so a waterproof tape that sheds water for roofing on sheds etc etc is snake oil......hmmmmmmm
A waterproof tape that stops water from moving away from wood laid perfectly horizontal to the surface is a bad idea. Correct :D

We've had decking way longer than we've had the TikTok tape.
A waterproof tape that stops water from moving away from wood laid perfectly horizontal to the surface is a bad idea. Correct :D

We've had decking way longer than we've had the TikTok tape.
then your deck aint built right, should have a slight drop back to front to help shed water.......then it wouldnt hold on the waterproof tape. next you will be telling me sheds/garden rooms etc etc dont need house wrap.
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