I understand where you are coming from, but to play devils advocate, for gaming, it is often most cost effective to over-spend on GPU and scrimp in other areas, unless you take this to extremes. An imbalanced system can outperform a 'balanced' one in games, unless playing at low resolution, or in a subset of games that is cpu limited etc.
Or in this case, a 4.6ghz Skylake paired with a 2080Ti can be as effective as getting a new mobo, a 3700x, and a 2070s or whatever. Clearly quadcore isn't the greatest any more but high clockspeed and pretty decent IPC means an overclocked 6700k is very good at resolutions above 1440p.
I rarely practice what I preach, as I've never bought a high end card. But e.g. when I upgraded to Ryzen from a 3570K that was arguably a 'bad' buy for gaming as the cost of the new mobo/cpu/ram could have funded a gpu upgrade instead.