**Baddass' Ultimate TFT FAQ and Reviews! (20" and Above Models)**

Originally posted by NicktheNorse
any one found any reviews of the Acer? Can't find any - and i cant decide between the Acer and the Hyundai!

urr, theres a fair chunk about the Acer and the Hyundai above! did u miss it!
If this doesn't become a sticky... I'll be leaving these forums!!!..

Perhaps we can auto-delete any new threads with the words "TFT", "WHICH", and "BEST" in them... and just direct them here.. :) (just kidding.. I'd miss the 900 TFT threads per day.. its the only area I think I had some valid contributions!!)

Badass .. you da man... No, really, you are.. !!!!!
Wow. I've copied this to the Donsroom asking for it to be made a sticky.

Good work Baddass :)
Very nice and I think whenever new TFTs come out. Or if anyone has more tips, advice, etc they should be added to this thread. :cool:
Right I'm still abit stuck between two monitors, the Q17 and the View Sonic pannel.

The things I want to know are:
Which is better for DVD as I will be using it for this?
Is there a great difference for games if any at all as some will be played?
Which has the better viewing angels if I'm watching DVDs?
As for the Q17, it's simply great for games and DVDs in terms of colour, brightness and lack of afterglow. I do think the viewing angle is poorer than it could be though, so it wouldn't be a good replacement to the house TV or something.
Can't give a direct comparison to the other monitor though, maybe someone else could give their opinion if they own the View Sonic?
read the first review very quickly but says it is quite good for gaming... !? Not the most comprehensive testing though.
i'm confused ones says:

Testing out the gaming performance was very impressive. Running at 1280x1024 there was little to no ghosting or tearing during Halo or Unreal2. With a native resolution of 1280x1024 it is easy to play games on. The ability to up to 75Hz at 1280x1024 helps the SyncMaster172X during the fast screen redrawing required in a gaming environment. Even after many hours of Halo CTF game play is excellent. It is very surprising that this LCD handles games so well as many do not.

another says like toms hardware say its poo.

Is it some are good or some bad?

One thing they seem to pick up on though its that it isn't a 24bit display which makes it flicker which is disapointing for films due to its good viewing angle. Shame this monitor turned out like this :(
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