looks like pole may just go to who ever crosses the line last before the timer hits 00:00.
what I was thinking
looks like pole may just go to who ever crosses the line last before the timer hits 00:00.
1-15 covered by 1s
1-10 coveted by 0.45s
There is no field spread this year!
Why does everyone call grosjean fat john?
Massa like a sick dog that needs putting down.
He is embarrassing.
Why does everyone call grosjean fat john?
Massa like a sick dog that needs putting down.
He is embarrassing.
Why does everyone call grosjean fat john?
Not sure.
LOL what? another without a clue
Because that's a literal translation of his name...
What are you on about now?
Everyone knows I'm not Massa's greatest fan, but you have to cut him some slack. It was what, 0.5 of a second? The same gap between Rosberg and... everyone last race.
Its unfortunate for him that the close field does exagerate even the slightest deficit at the moment.