Bahrain Grand Prix 2016, Sakhir - Race 2/21

one thing that used to grate on me with the BBC coverage was the begining of the program with EJ trying to do some poetic speech.. and now CH4 is doing the same with Murry... ffs dont do it :(
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So all the teams unanimously agreed to return to the 2015 qualifying with immediate effect. Bernie and Todt vetoed the change and have forced the teams to investigate yet another entirely unsuitable format.

I think it's clear where the issue lies in F1.

The proposed aggregate format would see every driver having to do 2 runs in each of the 3 sessions and the aggregate of the 2 defines there position. Not only does the past show us that the ability for TV and Track side audiences to follow aggregate stuff is poor, but also the teams don't have enough tyres to do 6 hot laps in Qualifying.

It's utterly retarded.
Anything where you have to add laptimes together or average them out is FAR too complicated for anyone to work out while live. Plus, they don't have enough tyres so it'd be worn tyres for at least half the runs.

It's a power struggle now between Bernie and the FIA vs the teams, drivers and fans.

Horner vetoed the hybrid system of knockout Q1 and Q2 and then the old flatout Q3. It'd be better than what we have now, but still not great.

Ugh... feeling dirty... Agreeing with Horner.. Yuk yuk yuk yuk....
Autosport are reporting that yet again the 2015 format is not even an option. The vote to be taken on Thursday will be between the current elimination format, and the proposed aggregate format, with unanimous support required for a decision.

I'm on the verge of giving up on F1. I don't want to invest time into something that just makes me angry.
Bloody adverts. That's the problem with commercial TV stations for sports, you miss so much that BBC would have filled.
Autosport are reporting that yet again the 2015 format is not even an option. The vote to be taken on Thursday will be between the current elimination format, and the proposed aggregate format, with unanimous support required for a decision.

I'm on the verge of giving up on F1. I don't want to invest time into something that just makes me angry.

I've literally been clinging to Sky purely for the F1 channel but its reached the point where paying £80+ a month to be able to go on the internet, watch DAVE, Discovery Turbo and F1 just became pointless so this race is my last race before my subscription comes to an end.

I used to get up early to watch races and always watch them live but I think I've probably missed the last 7 at least and watched them after the event. The F1 channel and F1 itself was the only reason I didn't want to cancel. (I was one of the lucky ones who had F1 without Sports as I got it with HD) so despite knowing that it will cost me more to buy back into it at a later date I've still cancelled.
Lewis on his way to the race track,


i look forward to the German GP to see him in his lederhosen,
and then the USA GP where he arrives in a fat suit

Was that intentional or accidental when Webber and Coulthard bumped into each other at the start of the gridwalk?
Hamilton always love him as a racer but I find I spend most of my time :rolleyes: at his off the track activities!

If ever there was someone who tries too hard to be 'cool' it's him!
Bernie's top tip, a shocking Hamilton win!;)

I'm hoping that Grosjean starts on primes and holds up the Ferraris and Mercs who will start on used super softs, possibly pitting around lap 9!!:eek:
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