Bahrain Grand Prix 2016, Sakhir - Race 2/21

8 Mar 2007
They are saying that was the fastest ever lap in Bharain, but I didn't think quali times counted for lap records?

It doesn't. There's "Fastest ever Lap" and "Lap Records". The latter can only be set in races.

There's a lot of tracks that have a "Fastest ever Lap" that is set by something that's never raced there. Thruxton has a Fastest Lap set by Hill in an F1 Williams during a demo, for example.
18 Oct 2002
True but does that actually give a better race?
I'm not too bothered what the lap times are, what I'd like to see is cars being able to follow closely and then be able to overtake. Not whether they're lapping 1:26 or 1:46 to be honest.

If it doesn't give a better race, it was still fans ******** about lack of speed that caused them to make better speed a factor in the next regulation change. But in reality, yes, it will make better racing. The faster the guys go, the more you are punished by a mistake. If you can correct a mistake in say 0.2 seconds, if you are going 15mph faster that means more times you can't save a mistake. The more on the edge you are, the more mistakes you make, the faster you go the more physically demanding it is and the more tired you get the more mistakes you make.

One of the reasons it can be so predictable and we have less spins and offs is that they are driving so far within themselves during races.

People constantly ignore that reduced drag from better designs means the lead car down a straight is slowed less than 10 years ago for being the lead car, meaning smaller difference in closing speed for the guy behind. Drag isn't proportional, the increase in drag and air resistance is larger between 200-210mph than between 190-200mph. So the faster they go, the more effected by drag the lead car is and the better the car behind can follow and overtake.

So yes, in almost every way faster cars create better racing.

Even in the years with the best overtaking 98% of time during a race is not overtaking, but drivers pushing it. I want to see more overtaking, but it's more fun watching the guys on their own pushing the limit and wrestling the cars through corners rather than in cruise control.



6 Mar 2008
So I just got back from work, what did i miss? :o

Good lap from Hamilton on his second q3 run. Qually is still crap, what annoys me is that in Q1,Q2 the drivers have, as Brundle put it in Australia - no right to reply. One lockup or getting held up and it's over, it turns into a 1 lap qually shootout even in those stages. Q3 was slightly better though - in that the top 4 went out again, but still a dreadful Qualifying system, the old one worked, was liked, was better. It's ridiculous.
15 Feb 2003
I have no answers as to the decisions over new regs. I literally can't fathom how ANYONE let alone someone qualified, came up with "speed" as something needed!

Would have liked Hamilton behind rosberg. Just cause Hamilton can overtake

Faster cars seem to separate the drivers more, allowing the better to drivers to show their skill. IMO
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
speed doesn't have much to do with that. If you want to separate the field, you want a handful of a car, with far more power than grip. Tracks like they used to be, where a mistake meant you were likely out of the race. This also added to viewing. as anything could happen. now it's run wide get back on track with enough space to keep your position, or if you're in midfield lose three.

speed isn't the issue. it's a smoke screen by Bernie.
19 Oct 2002
Just as I thought F1 couldn't get any worse it does, qualifying is rubbish although it was funny to hear the commentators saying it was 'exciting' I guess they've been told to be a little less negative. Mercs 1/2 second faster yet again, Mclaren going nowhere...

I'll give it one more race to see if they sort qualifying etc but not going to waste my time watching this rubbish again this year.

It's annoying when teams are already talking about how much better it will be next year, how many times do we hear that
18 Oct 2002
It doesn't. There's "Fastest ever Lap" and "Lap Records". The latter can only be set in races.

There's a lot of tracks that have a "Fastest ever Lap" that is set by something that's never raced there. Thruxton has a Fastest Lap set by Hill in an F1 Williams during a demo, for example.

Gotcha, thanks Skeeter. :)
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Hamilton under investigation for reversing in pit lane. wonder what the punishment will be, pretty slam dunk.
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13 Jan 2010
Well who knows with you what your theory of fun is... you post on an f1 thread when you dont like f1 and choose any opportunity you can to berate it! Madness.

I think the berating is fair.

I won't be watching the race tomorrow. There's some paint drying and there might be a drop overtaking another drop! Without drop reductio system.!
Only watched today as came home at 1500
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