Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

That comma isn't needed. If you are going to be a Grammar Nazi then you really ought to make sure you don't get it wrong yourself ;)

That's punctuation rather than grammar. However, a comma can be simply used to denote a pause or inflection. So whilst it might have been superfluous, it wasn't incorrect.

He said 6'4" AND not stereotypically gay. Two different descriptors.

And he was talking about fighting, so height might be relevant.

They were seemingly somehow related. I'm not sure what relevance height has to much at all by itself though. I can't expect anyone genuinely thinks it actually denotes, or suggests the ability to fight.
That's punctuation rather than grammar. However, a comma can be simply used to denote a pause or inflection. So whilst it might have been superfluous, it wasn't incorrect.


Got a thing wrong but won't admit it. Wish your name was Richard.
Well for a start they wouldn't cite a protestant bible. Apart from that they would have a better understanding of Jesus's fulfilment of the old law.

Well, perhaps they use this one:

Leviticus 20:13 (RHE - Douay-Rhiems Catholic Bible) If any one lie with a man as with a woman, both have committed an abomination: let them be put to death. Their blood be upon them.

Same message to a country boy like me :)

Of course Jesus wasn't around when Leviticus was written. I don't actually recall Jesus suggesting an amendment either.
Welcome to a world of reason and critical thinking. Enjoy your stay! :)
When will you be arriving?
Rubbish. Bad things can happen to you if you're tall or short, fat or thin, black or white, rich or poor etc. Whatever sets you apart is always going to be cause for people to treat you poorly. Creating special laws for homosexuals not only suggests that they are the perpetual victim, but also sets a precedent for others to get special laws too. Its utterly stupid and dis-empowering.

It exists to make money for the judiciary.

There are very good reasons why these sort of laws exist, but because of their existence there will always be people willing to abuse them for their own benefits.

That is an unfortunate consequence. But the reasons such laws exist is because some groups on society have decided to discriminate against said people because of their orientation, and nothing else.

It is very similar to racism. You'll find that people who are actually racist in as much as they genuinely hate people because they're a different race, rather than racism based on ignorance or stupidity, will also have to same attitude to gay people.

That doesn't mean that I agree with them going legal over it, I know I wouldn't have bothered in such a situation as I really don't think it was necessary just because they were offended. Though I respect that is their right to do.

But I also respect the rights of the bakers not wanting to make a cake with a message on that they didn't agree with, which is where things get tricky. I don't think the gay couple's rights are any more important, which is why I personally think legal action was over the top.
Mate you'll never get through to certain folk on here. They have no understanding of the Equality Act and why it exists.

Society is still full of bigotry and thanks to the Equality Act these bigots are struggling to find places to hide. Make examples of all these people is the only way society will start to learn that certain behaviors are unacceptable

Except like everything it can and will get abused. Which can infuriate and encourage the bigotry.

In the case of the Baker and the cake, who knows what exactly went on, and perhaps there is more to it than the refusal of the cake due to its design, in which case it makes sense that they are pulled up on discrimination.
If however, it is exactly as it seems, then the case is just another example of how ridiculous things have become in the world.

A consequence of such things is that sometimes people who otherwise have no issue with something - whether someone is gay, or whether they should or shouldn't be able to marry get frustrated which can cause a friction that wasn't even there until all these 'Examples are made'.
Obviously it is not just limited to this particular situation, I am sure most people can think of times where Political Correctness or Health and Safety have overblown a situation into something ridiculous.
We have a habit of creating things with great intentions but often they seem to spiral out of control
Rubbish. Bad things can happen to you if you're tall or short, fat or thin, black or white, rich or poor etc. Whatever sets you apart is always going to be cause for people to treat you poorly. Creating special laws for homosexuals not only suggests that they are the perpetual victim, but also sets a precedent for others to get special laws too.

Completely agree but it is an unfortunate fact that these kind of steps have to come first before people get the message and leave us alone.

Its utterly stupid and dis-empowering.

Says the straight guy......

Mate you'll never get through to certain folk on here. They have no understanding of the Equality Act and why it exists.

Society is still full of bigotry and thanks to the Equality Act these bigots are struggling to find places to hide. Make examples of all these people is the only way society will start to learn that certain behaviors are unacceptable

It's fine I am just killing time at work until the next silly support ticket comes through.

I am sure most people can think of times where Political Correctness or Health and Safety have overblown a situation into something ridiculous.
We have a habit of creating things with great intentions but often they seem to spiral out of control

Not being afforded the same rights and privileges that straight people enjoy is more than just a 'Political Correctness' issue.
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That's punctuation rather than grammar. However, a comma can be simply used to denote a pause or inflection. So whilst it might have been superfluous, it wasn't incorrect.


I agree with your distinction, but punctuation tends to be grouped under the general Grammar Nazi banner, rather than having a seperate group of its own ;)
A consequence of such things is that sometimes people who otherwise have no issue with something - whether someone is gay, or whether they should or shouldn't be able to marry get frustrated which can cause a friction that wasn't even there until all these 'Examples are made'.

That is the point there is no grey area, you are either accepting or not there is no scale. Someone would be harboring these feelings before they say "that's it I'm a gay hater because of the B&B or Cake cases".

Think about it this way, it was enshrined in law that practicing homosexuality was a criminal offense and a lot of people who are alive today still probably think that way after all it was only decriminalised a few decades ago. So what wrong with a law ensuring that gay rights are now protected ?
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