ballistix dying

Great RMA service!

I sent my RAM off two/three days ago and just recieved two new 512MB sticks of Ballistix PC3200 via RMSD. .

As I mentioned the sticks that went faulty were about 15 months old been running 24/7 almost, still not sure what went wrong with them but hopefully these new sticks will be cool.

I had a set of OCZ BH-6 sticks before these ones and they were faulty within one week, had to ship them over to USA to get the RMA!

So what happens to people that buy Crucial from Do they have to RMA back to who in turn have to send them to Crucial?
Just had my 2 x 1GB pair start dying, although all the errors are on one stick it would appear, although doesn't exactly inspire with confidence.

Thought BSOD's went out with Win 98? Fingers crossed on Monday they'll send me a replacement or preferably a refund, particularly since they've stopped making the 1GB sticks. Has been a pain in the arse though as it's so intermittant, and randomly says driver error, memory error, nothing, so quite bizarre.

Anyone got an ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe they could recommend some memory for?
i have got 2x 512 sticks off pc 4000
and am getting intermitent errors . they are running at 250 fsb and 2.7v
and i get memtest errors sometimes after say 38% coverage or a high as 230% coverage do they need more dram v or should i r m a them ?
slap ed said:
i have got 2x 512 sticks off pc 4000
and am getting intermitent errors . they are running at 250 fsb and 2.7v
and i get memtest errors sometimes after say 38% coverage or a high as 230% coverage do they need more dram v or should i r m a them ?

You should be running them at 2.8v stock as specified on crucials website and on the sticks that is why you are getting bsods.

I have run my 2x 512 sticks for over a year at 2.5 , 4 ,4 ,8 1T @2.8V 250mhz with out fault.

(RMA 2Gb now in da post)
Phantom_Master said:
You should be running them at 2.8v stock as specified on crucials website and on the sticks that is why you are getting bsods.
lol yeh right only if you want a BBQ that bad
put 2.8v through them and you can cook your sausages and bacon on the heat spreader
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the issue is clear if you ever touched this stuff, its HEAT. god only knows why they recommend you run it at 2.8v. over 2.85 will fry this stuff fast. when i turn off my pc to remove it, i had to wait a few minutes to even TOUCH the stuff. id prefer value ram to this junk. caused me so much problems in my old mb.
So if I RMA am I better off just ditching it and getting some different stuff?

Particularly as Crucial don't now stock Ballistix 1GB sticks, that would involve putting in 4x512MB, which I assume is going to be slower than 2x1GB?
hedgey said:
for ppl who rma'd; is the replacement memory the same chips? is it still hot?
in my thread i state, that my first set of PC4000 was VERY hot from the start, and failed after 1month.

my replacement set of PC4000 was cool to touch for about 2 months, however it has got hotter and hotter, and it now burns quiet good.

Another thing is, the older they get (ive never had a set last more than 7months) the more noise they make. I mean you know some ram has lights on it showwing access... Well mine MAKE NOISES....which can be heard over CPU fans and Harddrive noise...!!!
NightSt@lk3r said:
lol yeh right only if you want a BBQ that bad
put 2.8v through them and you can cook your sausages and bacon on the heat spreader


just stating i have run mine at this for over a year with out fault they dont get that hot at 2.8v
crucials recommended as well

3.0v now that would be stupid :eek:

Interesting now on crucials website you can not buy 2 x 1gb modules lol this is going to be good.

Other thread makes interesting reading also looks like a wide spread issue

;) I'll take some Gskill HZ :D
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Phantom_Master said:

just stating i have run mine at this for over a year with out fault they dont get that hot at 2.8v
crucials recommended as well

3.0v now that would be stupid :eek:

Interesting now on crucials website you can not buy 2 x 1gb modules lol this is going to be good.

Other thread makes interesting reading also looks like a wide spread issue

;) I'll take some Gskill HZ :D
finaly it looks like they taking the hint at all these failures and are doing something about it
I am so pleased I didn't go with those Ballistix when I was making my mind up a few months ago. I really was within a phone call of ordering them. In fact I actually did call now I think about it, but the phone rang off the hook so I gave up for the day. I ordered the XMS3500s instead in the end as they were on special offer and they have been nothing but a pleasure to play with.
I'm actually considering buying a second hand pair of 2x512MB Ballistix PC4000 at the moment for a good price.

Is the advice from you guys basically not to do it and steer clear of Ballistix for the time being at least due to all the reliability problems?
They have a lifetime warranty so you should be OK if they fail. It's a shame that their reliability is so poor though - I'd never have expected this from Crucial
ajgoodfellow said:
They have a lifetime warranty so you should be OK if they fail. It's a shame that their reliability is so poor though - I'd never have expected this from Crucial
however they start to get alittle hard to deal with when you've already had 3 failures

they refused to replace my dead PC3200 ram... only my PC4000
I've had my 1Gb of Balistix die on me in mid-decebmer, im still waiting for OcUK to sort the stuff. Is the 2Gb of G.Skill they recommended me a good option?
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