Ballot Paper - None of the Above (NOTA)

Unless people in the UK abandon the two lead parties PR it's a pipe dream.
I will vote for a non main party.. Because I just can't go along with the "it's a wasted vote" mantra. If everyone always voted for red/blue for fear of the other getting in when they'd rather vote another party... Things will never change.

Agreed. "It's a wasted vote" is what the two main parties want you to think, but there are (usually) other options as well. A lot of constituancies will have an independant standing at a general election, even if none of the other parties floats your boat.
I'd like some variant of "none of the above" on a ballot paper.

- Better data on spoiled ballots
- More choice for voters- specifically "keep the other lot out" voters
- Under fptp this option could win constituency votes
- May increase turnout to vote for this option

- If nota wins in a large number of constituencies, this could delay forming a government
- If nota wins a large number, and by-elections are held, this could result in a change of government, or multiple changes of government
- don't see how you can have nota- pretty sure it has to be a person nominated
- parties will never agree to this option, so it can't happen

Questions (if nota wins)
If nota wins a large number, what is the minimum number of mps to form a government? 50% of won seats, or all seats?
- does the seat lie empty for the entire parliamentary term? This means constituency will not have representation.
- should a by-election be held- if so, when? This is potentially a lot of work and will cost money
- do all previous candidates (including independents) get disqualified? Or only candidates for registered political parties?
- If nota wins, do parties and independents have their deposit returned in all cases, or only on the old "5% rule"?
- are previous candidates disqualified from standing (in this/ any constituency/ can they be an independent if they previously stood for a party?) and for how long (entire parliamentary term?)?
- legislation on "persons disqualified" would need update. Someone would have to maintain that list.

There's loads more...
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And what do you expect will change? Your NOTA vote won't influence the outcome of the election and will be ignored by the parties. The effect is identical to not voting at all.

The only place i can see it making sense is if voting was mandatory and you would face a fine for not voting, then a NOTA is reasonable
If it doesn’t make a difference / causes no harm then why not have the option?

Not much of a “waste of time” either. Fraction of a second to print it on a ballot, still has to be counted anyway, etc.
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The seat needs to be filled. "no taxation without representation"
It isn't necessary to disqualify candidates, parties can make a judgement on whether the candidate has a chance of winning.
The rules about getting deposits back don't need to change.
This seems like a really silly question. Surely you know.
no tell me, because a NOTA is counted the same way as a spoiled ballot, even if separated in statistics, and they are completely ignored when deciding upon the vote winner.
A spoiled ballot is a spoiled ballot.

A VOTE for NOTA is a vote. Should not be ignored, and should NOTA win, then no one gets to represent that area. Tough ****.
Why would anyone vote for NOTA if they will then have zero representation in the government ? That's just voting to make your area become completely left behind.
Why would anyone vote for NOTA if they will then have zero representation in the government ? That's just voting to make your area become completely left behind.

How is it any different to voting in a Labour/Tory/Lib Dem MP when they haven't been in government?

Chocolate fireguards have been known to be better at opposition in these scenarios.

PR is the only way I see forward. FPTP has to end.
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