I'd like some variant of "none of the above" on a ballot paper.
- Better data on spoiled ballots
- More choice for voters- specifically "keep the other lot out" voters
- Under fptp this option could win constituency votes
- May increase turnout to vote for this option
- If nota wins in a large number of constituencies, this could delay forming a government
- If nota wins a large number, and by-elections are held, this could result in a change of government, or multiple changes of government
- don't see how you can have nota- pretty sure it has to be a person nominated
- parties will never agree to this option, so it can't happen
Questions (if nota wins)
If nota wins a large number, what is the minimum number of mps to form a government? 50% of won seats, or all seats?
- does the seat lie empty for the entire parliamentary term? This means constituency will not have representation.
- should a by-election be held- if so, when? This is potentially a lot of work and will cost money
- do all previous candidates (including independents) get disqualified? Or only candidates for registered political parties?
- If nota wins, do parties and independents have their deposit returned in all cases, or only on the old "5% rule"?
- are previous candidates disqualified from standing (in this/ any constituency/ can they be an independent if they previously stood for a party?) and for how long (entire parliamentary term?)?
- legislation on "persons disqualified" would need update. Someone would have to maintain that list.
There's loads more...