
Every now and then somebody does a necro post and those can be an eye opener for banned members.
Yes, I was going to say this.

It reminds me of a quote from one of my favourite movies: "On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."
I belonged to a local community forum a while back and the mods had their favorites who could say anything, including against the rules and anyone who bit back or complained usually ended up getting banned themselves, mods would literally follow them around the forum just waiting for any minor slip up then in came the ban hammer.
I am currently on a 3 day facebook ban. I wouldn't be arsed about it but I use it for company pages and groups, which is really annoying. Why did I get banned? Well they have rolled out this new auto mod bot which scans posts and determines if it's appropriate or not. You think it is a good thing, but I was chatting with someone on a post, within a private group and used a rude word. It wasn't directed it anyone, it was merely used in conversation. (the group was rate my plate savage edition, so most threads are pretty funny anyway) but this bot just said I was accused of bullying and harassment. It wasn't a reported post, no one complained, it was their **** of an algorithm that is now taking out of context text and banning people. I can see this being a downward spiral for FB if I'm honest. The only thing they have going for it is the number of people reach, which I realise I could probably get better on somewhere like reddit, but maybe not a lot of "normies" I try and reach with business pages. Stupid ass company.
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Used to happen a lot in the earlier days of the internet - you'd get forums run/owned by people with a very narrow minded view, often a little peculiarly and idealistic, of the world and would ban people the moment they stepped even a tiny bit outside of that - even people who'd long been a cornerstone of that community.

I don't know if it's relevant 20 years on, but back in year 2000, I got banned from Game FAQs on my very first post! I was discussing the legalities of emulation. It was a grey area back then and it still is now. Next time I logged in, my username showed up as -1/banned. I queried a mod and they said that emulation discussion wasn't allowed and thus I got given the boot. No warnings or suspensions, just gone in 1 post.

Also in the early/mid 2000s, I fell foul of numerous rules on a Disney forum where you weren't allowed to say what you name was, where you're from or how old you are. Plus, you weren't allowed to link to fan sites e.g. Disney fanart, deviantART, etc. I didn't get banned but was fed up of their strict rules so I just left.

Like others said on here, OcUK rules are pretty lenient :-) Unless you post in a thread where the title is "post in here and you get banned" :p
See it on here especially in MM threads where users are suspended or banned.

I had my first 24 hour suspension last week and it's one of the only times I've been in MM :)
I'm staying out from now on because I really can't be bothered to read rules for a forum.
As long as I don't swear or insult anybody then that should be enough.
I haven't ever used bad language on Facebook either, I don't see a need for it.
Some of the train and flight sim forums don't let you step too wide of the mark. Just posting a critical view of a product can get your thread deleted or a suspension/ban if you challenge the white knights who rush in to defend it.
I used to own a number of IRC channels back in the day and had 'Ops' (Mods) who would perma-ban someone from the channel for either making a mistake or a first time ban.

I think a lot of mods think being a mod is just about banning people, when the true job is to keep the flow of conversation going in a positive way.

Unless someone is going out of their way to constantly break rules, or being personally insulting to other users, then I think temp bans should be used instead.

To see a forum with many threads with Perma-ban posters represents a failure of moderation in my opinion.
See it on here especially in MM threads where users are suspended or banned.

Yeah out of all the subforums on here that area is especially strict and even the mere minor innocent mistake can result in a suspension and i think tis 3 strikes and its permabanned.,
See it on here especially in MM threads where users are suspended or banned.

Yeah out of all the subforums on here that area is especially strict and even the mere minor innocent mistake can result in a suspension and i think tis 3 strikes and its permabanned.,
We're very strict in MM and that's to help protect the members - People tend to get one or two strikes before they actually bother to read the rules, that's quite noticeable. A total of six strikes means you're banned from using the MM but we don't permanban people for MM rule breaks unless we have a very, very good reason to do so. I can't think of more than a handful of instances where that's been done.

I had my first 24 hour suspension last week and it's one of the only times I've been in MM :)
I'm staying out from now on because I really can't be bothered to read rules for a forum.
See above, I rest my case ;)
Some of the train and flight sim forums don't let you step too wide of the mark. Just posting a critical view of a product can get your thread deleted or a suspension/ban if you challenge the white knights who rush in to defend it.

Flight Sims tend to attract some of the most militant idiots in the world, people have made very successful YouTube channels off the back of taking the mick out of them.

Some are hilarious, you can hear them really frothing at the tiniest little transgressions :D
Flight Sims tend to attract some of the most militant idiots in the world, people have made very successful YouTube channels off the back of taking the mick out of them.

Some are hilarious, you can hear them really frothing at the tiniest little transgressions :D

Ah if/when I have some free time in the future I fully intend to buy one of these multiplayer flight sims. Have seen a few of the youtube clips.
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