US: Banshee (season 4)

Watched the finale last week. Fantastic show and I think one of the best endings to a show I've seen.

I think the last season was very different to the previous 3. It was a lot calmer with hardly any of the crazy violence and sex every episode that we are used to, but I understand why they did it this way and still think it was great watching.
The last season was lacking the boobs and action but..... were lucky to even get the last season and have it wrapped up at all.

Looking at the overall series it was great, lovable characters and unique.

There was nothing similar like this on any other tv series imo.

I did feel however hood finally telling the truth how he stepped into the sheriffs shoes that day and then saying he loved being a police officer and it suddenly became normal for him was a bit of a cop out to his character overall.

Yeah we all knew these police officers in a small town going around killing and bashing guys n gals in more ways then one is what needs to be done but to then say lets now get the bad guys.....

Otherwise a fitting end would love to see another show but doubt it can retain the chemistry, bond and spirit of banshee.
Just watched the last episode,Wow what an awesome series,Sad to know its finished :(

I think it ended very premature to be honest though,there was plenty more life in the series..was it intended to be a short series or was it just not getting enough viewers?

For those that have finished watching...

The moment when Carrie & hood was talking and saying their good bye at the end on the porch i was expecting them to get gunned down or something by the cartel,Love the way Kai went out though. :D
What a great series, watched S1-4 over the last few weeks and it is definitely like no other. Really great characters and the combat screens were off the scale!
Thank god they didnt drag it on and on and on like many US shows. Enjoyed it mostly though it was pretty low brow stuff with dodgy acting, characters and an often terrible plot. :)

Fight between fit indian bird and bow tie man the highlight for me. :D
But did he?


Thats true we didnt see him dead,It wouldnt be the same without Clay though,He was one of my faverite chars in this series his face always made me laugh. :p

Lets hope sometime in the future this series gets a revival,Cant see why not because theres the possibility of them carrying on the story of Jobs past and where it all started.


Maybe the cartel found out that Carrie was part of why their men got killed and go after her,and her daughter..then lucas returns to save the day.

I honestly just feel they ended this series way too early. :cool:
It did end early but they covered pretty much everything within the tv series and all had their happy endings, I won't complain if it comes back in one shape or form but its a bit like breaking bad and another top shows, sometimes closure is a good thing.
I watched the season finale last night. I thought they did a great job wrapping it up. I know Hood wasn't the Sheriff anymore, but he was still doing the same things as he did when he was i.e investigating the crimes etc, just not with the weight of the badge. Let's be honest, the badge didn't hold him back anyway!

I am glad they finished off the stories for all the characters, although I did think that Job finding Leo happened very quickly in terms of the episode. I suppose given his background though, that was inevitable, I just felt it might have been a bit rushed but they did need to finish things off in a single episode.

I felt sad for Clay, he was such an awesome character and all he ever did was want to please Proctor. I found his end saddening. He was one of the best characters in the show. You'd just know, everytime he took his spectacles off, that everyone around him was about to be owned!

I also really liked Brock at the end when he was talking to Bunker. Chastising Hood for what he was when they were locked up, but then obviously realising that in order to do the job properly and keep the town safe, sometimes the line becomes blurred or even non-existent and that's ok, effectively turning him into Hood and Bunker into Brock in the early days :)

Thoroughly enjoyed the show, it had excellent characters throughout and they all played an important part. I loved it!
I really didnt "buy" into clay being the culprit for Proctor's cousin getting killed (in the shower no less) - it just didnt "fit" with me.

Also felt Leo /Job was a little rushed, but really glad he got his cummupance!!!

(and really thought Carrie and Hood were going to die together somehow)

Thought S4 was a little "off" all the way through, but 1-3 were absolutely spectacular

Altogether some of the best TV Ive watched in a long time (along with Madame Secretary)
Got the final episode of season 4 to watch tonight. I've literally binged the 4 seasons in the last 2 weeks.

It's been a great show, but i think the direction of season 4 kinda showed the storyline was running out of ideas. So probably a good thing they've ended it on a high than dragging it on until it eventually dies out.
Got the final episode of season 4 to watch tonight. I've literally binged the 4 seasons in the last 2 weeks.

It's been a great show, but i think the direction of season 4 kinda showed the storyline was running out of ideas. So probably a good thing they've ended it on a high than dragging it on until it eventually dies out.

I think the problem is with season 4 they kind of put Hood into his element rather than the unusual mix up of the criminal being the sheriff.

Might have been fun having him run for Mayor in season 4 :D
I still think proctor survived. Season 5 could easily have focused on the brotherhood.

I know they didn't want to drag it out but there was so much they could have done for another season.

I'm still hoping Job gets a spin off. Easily my most loved character in any series I've seen yet.
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